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姓名: 何佳陵Karen Chia-Ling Ho(2018)
專長: 女高音

在伊士曼音樂學院贏得聲望卓著的芮妮·弗萊明(Renee Fleming)獎的女高音何佳陵(Karen)從六歲開始就參加台灣台北華新兒童合唱團,並開啟了音樂生涯。
近期公演:在2016-17賽季,何佳陵首次亮相舊金山歌劇院,在盛宗亮(Bright Sheng)所編的「紅樓夢」歌劇之世界首演中擔綱主唱賈妃公主,並在卡內基音樂廳首次亮相,演唱克熱內克(Krenek)所編寫的「大獨裁者落難記(Der Diktator)」歌劇 — 這齣歌劇由里昂.博司丁(Leon Botstein)指揮的美國交響樂團擔任配樂。何佳陵在2017年的香港藝術節上重新演繹了她在紅樓夢中的角色;在2017-18年「紅樓夢」歌劇巡迴中國的一系列表演當中,她也擔綱演出;在2018年日本和臺灣的公演,她也擔綱演出維奧萊塔(Violetta)一角。她最近還與紐澤西音樂節管弦樂隊合作演唱了史特勞斯的作品27號和黃河大合唱(Yellow River Cantata),並且在中國文化部製作的中美作曲家專案中演唱由李紹生(Li Shaosheng)為美國作曲家管弦樂團所寫的樂曲。2015年,她首次亮相於聖彼得堡歌劇院演唱杜蘭朵(Turandot)歌劇中柳兒(Liù)這個角色,並且參加了2015年荷蘭阿姆斯特歌劇聲樂競賽(Belvedere Competition)的最後一輪比賽。
2014年夏天,何佳陵參加了舊金山歌劇院的Merola歌劇公演;在詹姆斯.達拉(James Darrah)的指揮下,她在唐·喬凡尼(Don Giovanni)歌劇中飾演唐娜·愛維菈(Donna Elvira)。何佳陵為2014年1月南卡羅來納州大都會歌劇院全國委員會試鏡優勝者,並於2月參加了東南地區總決賽。她是米爾德里德·米勒(Mildred Miller)國際聲樂競賽的最新冠軍得主、2014年馬薩拉.佐丹尼(Marcello Giordani)基金會國際聲樂比賽的亞軍得主,並被授予薩吉歐·法蘭奇(Sergio Franchi)音樂基金會獎。
何佳陵是一位精通多類型演出的年輕藝術家,她在第二季的Glimmerglass音樂節中扮演了女高音角色,在舞台上重新演了繹巴蒂斯塔(Pergolesi)所編寫的聖母悼歌(Stabat Mater)音樂和朗大衛(David Lang) 的「賣火柴的小女孩受難曲(the little match girl passion)」。她曾在阿曼馬斯喀特的皇家歌劇院演出音樂人(The Music Man)中的阿瑪耶斯(Alma Hix)一角,並在Glimmerglass音樂節擔綱演出由盧利(Lully)所編寫的Armide歌劇中薩薇妮(Sidonie)一角。在音樂學院進修期間,何佳陵曾在魔笛(Die Zauberflöte)歌劇演出普米亞(Pamina)和在唐·喬望尼(Don Giovanni)中演出唐娜·愛維菈(Donna Elvira),並獲得山繆·亞當斯(Sam Adams)最佳歌劇表演獎。她曾在布魯克納(Bruckner) D小調彌撒曲和Rodrigo Cuatro Madrigales Amatorio中擔任獨唱。
Winner of the prestigious Renee Fleming Award from the Eastman School of Music, soprano Karen Chia-ling Ho began her musical career at the age of six singing in the Taipei Hua-Hsin Children's Choir of Taiwan.
Recent and upcoming: In the 2016-17 season Ms. Ho made her debut with the San Francisco Opera in a world première of Dream of the Red Chamber by Bright Sheng as Princess Jia and made her Carnegie Hall debut with the American Symphony Orchestra in Krenek's Der Diktator under the baton of Leon Botstein. Ms. Ho reprised her role in Dream of the Red Chamber with the Hong Kong Arts Festival in 2017. In the 2017-18 seasons she tours China with a number of performances slated forDream of the Red Chamber and tours Japan and Taiwan as Violetta in the 2018. She recently sang Strauss's Op. 27 and the Yellow River Cantata with the New Jersey Festival Orchestra and was presented in concert with the American Composers Orchestra in music by Li Shaosheng at a presentation to the China-US Composers Project produced by China's Ministry of Culture. She made her role and company debut as Liù in Turandot with St. Petersburg Opera in 2015 and participated in the final rounds of the 2015 Belvedere Competition in Amsterdam.
In the summer of 2014, Karen Ho joined the Merola Opera Program of the San Francisco Opera where she was feature in the role of Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni under the direction of James Darrah. Ms. Ho was also a Metropolitan
Opera National Council Auditions winner for the South Carolina District in January 2014 and participated in the Southeast Regional Finals in February. She is the recent first-prize winner of the Mildred Miller International Voice Competition, the 2nd Prize winner of the 2014 Marcello Giordani Foundation International Vocal Competition and was awarded the Sergio Franchi Music Foundation Grant.
Skilled in a wide range of genres, Ms Ho was reëngaged for a second season with the Glimmerglass Festival as a young artist covering the soprano roles in a staged Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater and David Lang’s the little match girl passion. She has performed at the Royal Opera House in Muscat, Oman in The Music Man as Alma Hix and covered the role of Sidonie in Lully’s Armide in a previous season with the Glimmerglass Festival. Ms. Ho has performed the roles of Pamina in Die Zauberflöte and Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, for which she won the Sam Adams Award for best operatic performance while attending conservatory. She has performed as soloist in the Bruckner Mass in D minor and the Rodrigo Cuatro Madrigales Amatorio.
She received musical degrees from the universities of TNUA and Tung-Hai where she studied Vocal Performance. After arriving in the U.S. for advance studies, she received her Masters in Music from the Eastman School of Music and Artist Diploma from the College- Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati.