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姓名: 恩里科.馬可尼 Enrico Marconi (18/19)

恩里科.馬可尼 Enrico Marconi

恩里科.馬可尼生於意大利北部的特蘭托,畢業於意大利Bonporti音樂學院(Conservatorio Bonporti)主修鋼琴、音韻和音樂史。畢業後被授予多項全球性的獎學金,並以最高文憑畢業於世界知名的伯克利音樂學院(Berklee College of Music美國波士頓),主修作曲、電影配樂和交響樂指揮。

1998年移居倫敦後,馬可尼與幾位世界知名的指揮家密切合作(Sir Colin Davis and Sir Antonio Pappano),並多次受邀擔任倫敦交響樂團(London Symphony Orchestra)、英國皇家愛樂 (Royal Philharmonic Orchestra)、波士頓交響樂團 (Boston Symphony Orchestra) 和索菲亞愛樂樂團(Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra)之指揮,足跡遍佈歐洲各大音樂廳如倫敦、柏林、羅馬、特蘭托等。馬可尼除了和歐洲各大交響樂團合作過許多經典交響樂外,還包含了幾項超大型歌劇,如《遊唱詩人》(Il Trovatore)、《茶花女》(La Traviata)、《弄臣》(Rigoletto)、《女人皆如此》(Cosi Fan Tutte)、《卡門》(Carmen)、《波希米亞人》(Bohème) 等。

馬可尼曾與許多樂壇上的大明星合作演出,包括著名西班牙男高音歌唱家普拉西多‧多明戈(Plácido Domingo)、英國著名男中音唱家布萊恩.特菲爾(Bryn Terfel CBE)、韓裔美籍的小提琴家張永宙(Sarah Chang)、Angela Gheorghiu、Roberto Alagna、Renée Fleming、Gil Shaham、Violeta Urmana、Petra Lang、René Pape、Yefim Bronfman 與電影和歌劇導演佛朗哥澤菲雷(Mº Franco Zeffirelli)。


2014年馬可尼與倫敦交響樂團出版了一張專輯,並隨後在倫敦的皇家節日音樂廳(Royal Festival Hall)演出了威爾第的《安魂曲》(Verdi’s Requiem)。在一個大雪紛飛的夜晚,皇家節日音樂廳全場爆滿,與2600人分享了一場音樂的盛宴。

Born in Trento, Italy, Enrico trained at the Conservatorio Bonporti in Pianoforte, Harmony and History of Music. He was awarded multiple scholarships and graduated from the Berklee College of Music (Boston, USA) in Composition, Film Scoring and Conducting.

Moved to London in 1998, Enrico worked closely with maestri such as Sir Colin Davis and Sir Antonio Pappano, whom he collaborated with at the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO), London Symphony Chorus, Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Coro e Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.

Maestro Marconi has since worked with some of the greatest stars in the music business, including Placido Domingo, Bryn Terfel, Angela Gheorghiu, Roberto Alagna, Renee Fleming, Sarah Chang, Gil Shaham, Violeta Urmana, Petra Lang, Rene Pape, Yefim Bronfman and Film & Opera Director Mo Franco Zeffirelli.

He has, among many others, conducted the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO), the Philharmonia Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO), Orquestra Sinfonica do Porto Casa da Musica and the Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra. In 2011 he created the live soundtrack project 2001: A Space Odyssey in collaboration with Warner Bros and the Kubrick Estate.

More recently Enrico recorded with the London Symphony Orchestra at the Abbey Road Studios, and subsequently conducted the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra performing Verdi’s Requiem at the Royal Festival Hall, London, and packed the venue in a snowy night.