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姓名: 吳沛軒 Ng Pei Sian(18/19)

©SideXSide Pictures

吳沛軒 Ng Pei Sian


並獲得於倫敦舉行的第55屆『Royal Over-Seas League』國際音樂大賽金獎及一等獎。 吳沛軒目前為新加坡交響樂團大提琴首席,及新加坡楊秀桃音樂學院的教師。

出生在澳洲雪梨,吳沛軒在阿德萊德開始向他的啟蒙教師Barbara Yelland學習大提琴。

進入長老音樂學院後師承於Janis Laurs。畢業後考進英國知名的曼徹斯特皇家北方音樂學院,並獲全額獎學金,師承Ralph Kirshbaum完成學業。在就學期間他被授予RNCM金牌,是該英國頒發的最高獎。

吳先生多次受邀出席國際重要的音樂節,包括布萊頓音樂節Brighton、愛丁堡音樂節Edinburgh、曼徹斯特國際大提琴節Manchester International Cello Festival、克朗伯格學院音樂節Kronberg Academy,梅克倫堡-- 前波特音樂節Mecklenburg-Vorpormmern  Festival和阿德萊德國際大提琴節Adelaide International Cello Festival。近年吳沛軒也多次與國際知名音樂家合作如林昭亮、RenaudCapuçon、馬友友絲路合奏團等,並於2016年底與馬友友及新加坡交響樂團共同演出雙大提琴協奏曲。

吳沛軒亦經常與世界各大交響樂團演出協奏曲及室內樂,合作過的知名樂團有:澳大利亞交響樂團、新加坡交響樂團、馬來西亞愛樂樂團、香港愛樂樂團、長榮交響樂團、愛沙尼亞國家交響樂團、奧盧交響樂團、ViVA小交響樂團、南安普敦管弦樂團、菲律賓愛樂樂團和音樂製作人樂團等,並在世界各地知名音樂廳演出 包括英國皇家節日廳、Wigmore大廳、伊麗莎白女王廳、柏林音樂廳,林肯中心和卡內基音樂廳等。

吳沛軒目前使用的是1764年的Giovanni Antonio Marchi cello, Bologna 大提琴


Ng Pei-Sian was Commonwealth Musician of the Year in 2007, winner of the Gold Medal and First Prize at the 55th Royal Over-Seas League Music Competition held in London. Ng is currently Principal Cellist of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and a faculty member at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music, Singapore.

Born in Sydney in , he began studies in Adelaide with Barbara Yelland and later with Janis Laurs at the Elder Conservatorium of Music before winning the prestigious Elder Overseas Scholarship to study at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. Ng Pei-Sian completed his studies under Ralph Kirshbaum during which he was awarded the RNCM Gold Medal, the highest prize given by the college.

Ng has had appearances in important music festivals including the Brighton, Edinburgh, Manchester International Cello Festival, Kronberg Academy, Mecklenburg-Vorpormmern Festival and Adelaide International Cello Festival. Ng performed Tan Dun's Crouching Tiger Cello Concerto with The Festival Orchestra under the baton of the Academy Award-winning composer and also performed with Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble, Cho-Liang Lin and Renaud Capuçon.

Mr. Ng has performed concertos with the major Australian symphony orchestras, Singapore Symphony, Malaysian Philharmonic, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Estonian National Symphony, Oulu Symphony, Sinfonia ViVA, City of Southampton Orchestra, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra,Philippine Philharmonic and the Orchestra of the Music Makers and performed around the world in venues including Royal Festival Hall, Wigmore Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall, Purcell Room, Konzerthaus (Berlin), Lincoln Centre and Carnegie Hall.

Ng Pei-Sian performs on a 1764 Giovanni Antonio Marchi cello, Bologna.