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姓名: 亞歷山大.布魯格AO Alexander Briger AO

Conductor: Alexander Briger AO

亞歷山大·布魯格 (Alexander Briger AO) 是澳大利亞最傑出的指揮家之一,他因“作為領先指揮家對音樂的貢獻”而被授予澳大利亞勳章 (Order of Australia, AO)。 他被認為是楊納傑克、莫扎特、布拉姆斯和貝多芬作品的專家。

亞歷山大最近的演出包括與倫敦交響樂團、以色列愛樂樂團、那不勒斯聖卡羅劇院管弦樂團、莫扎特的《魔笛 》(Die Zauberflöte )和《卡塔卡芭諾娃 》( Katya Kabanova )在法國土倫歌劇院以及約翰·亞當斯的《我望著天花板然後我看到了天空》的演出,與羅馬歌劇院和巴黎夏特萊劇院合作,在同一家劇院舉辦亞當斯的《尼克森在中國》(Nixon in China)的巴黎首映會上大獲成功。

他曾與大師皮埃爾·布列茲、拉圖爵士、祖賓·梅塔和里卡多·穆蒂以及伯明翰市交響樂團、英國廣播公司交響樂團、皇家利物浦愛樂樂團、英國廣播公司蘇格蘭交響樂團、聖馬丁學院等主要國際管弦樂團合作。 菲爾茲樂團、巴黎管弦樂團、法國廣播愛樂樂團、InterContemporain 樂團、柏林音樂廳管弦樂團、德國室內愛樂樂團、法蘭克福廣播樂團、鹿特丹愛樂樂團、哥德堡交響樂團、瑞典廣播樂團、薩爾茨堡莫扎特樂團、東京愛樂樂團、馬來西亞愛樂樂團以及所有主要的澳大利亞樂團交響樂團也曾合作過。

他還定期與倫敦愛樂樂團(與奧地利鋼琴家布蘭德爾、葡萄牙鋼琴家皮耶絲和美國鋼琴家普萊亞等獨奏家合作)和倫敦愛樂樂團合作演出,包括他們 2004 年的中國巡演。 他還曾與保羅·路易斯、格斯坦、諏訪內晶子和茱莉亞·費雪等獨奏家合作。

作為一名歌劇專家,亞歷山大曾為皇家歌劇院、芬柯園歌劇院、英國國家歌劇院、格林德伯恩音樂節、威爾士國家歌劇院、普羅旺斯地區艾克斯音樂節、夏特萊劇院、柏林喜歌劇院、羅馬歌劇院、 聖卡洛歌劇院、那不勒斯、加拿大歌劇院、赫利康歌劇院、莫斯科、澳大利亞歌劇院、瑞典皇家歌劇院和丹麥歌劇院指揮。


未來的合作項目包括 Jenůfa 與蒙特利爾歌劇院、巴黎愛樂樂團的 The Turn of the Screw與巴黎管弦樂團、巴黎和雪梨國家音樂學院、昆士蘭和塔斯馬尼亞交響樂團的演出。

Alexander Briger is one of Australia’s preeminent conductors and was Awarded the Order of Australia (AO) for “services to music as a leading conductor”. He is considered a specialist in the works of Janáček, Mozart, Brahms and Beethoven.

Alexander’s recent engagements include performances with the London Symphony Orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, Orchestra of the Teatro San Carlo, Naples, Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte at the Toulon Opera and John Adams’ I Was Looking at the Ceiling and Then I Saw the Sky with the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma and at the Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris, following a hugely successful debut at the same theatre conducting the Paris premiere of Adams' Nixon in China.

He has worked with Maestros Zubin Mehta, Pierre Boulez and Riccardo Muti and major international orchestras such as the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Academy of St Martin in the Fields, Orchestre de Paris, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, Ensemble InterContemporain, Konzerthausorchester Berlin, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie, Frankfurt Radio Orchestra, Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Gothenburg Symphony, Swedish Radio Orchestra, Salzburg Mozarteum, Malaysian Philharmonic and every major Australian symphony orchestras.

He has also performed regularly with the Philharmonia Orchestra in London (collaborating with such soloists as Alfred Brendel, Maria Joao Pires and Murray Perahia) and the London Philharmonic Orchestra, including their 2004 China tour. He has also worked with such soloists as Paul Lewis, Kirill Gerstein, Akiko Suwanai and Julia Fisher.

Considered an opera specialist, Alexander has conducted for the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, English National Opera, Glyndebourne Festival, Aix-en-Provence Festival, Théâtre du Châtelet, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Teatro di San Carlo Opera, Naples, Berlin Komischeoper, Canadian Opera Company, Opera Australia amongst others.

In 2010, he founded the Australian World Orchestra, of which he is Artistic Director and Chief Conductor.

Future engagements include Jenůfa with the Montreal Opera, The Turn of the Screw at the Paris Philharmonie, Figaro at the Bolshoi, Moscow, Orchestre de Paris and San Carlo Opera Naples, Italy.


備註: 2021/22