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Taipei Philharmonic Chorus
台北愛樂合唱團成立於1972年,曾蒙李抱忱、戴金泉、包克多(Robert W.Proctor)等教授悉心指導,1983年聘請自美學成歸國專攻合唱指揮的杜黑教授擔任藝術總監至今,現由指揮家古育仲擔任音樂總監,指揮家張維君擔任常任指揮。
近年來與台北愛樂合唱團合作過的樂團,包含: NSO國家交響樂團、TSO臺北市立交響樂團、NTSO國立臺灣交響樂團、KSO高雄市交響樂團、ESO長榮交響樂團、NCO臺灣國樂團、TCO臺北市立國樂團、HKCO香港中樂團、HKP香港管弦樂團、CRCO中國廣播民族樂團、RSSO俄羅斯國家交響樂團、BDZ布達佩斯杜南伊交響樂團、OM澳門樂團、AYO亞洲青年管弦樂團、OMM新加坡創樂者交響樂團等;客席指揮包括林望傑、邵恩、呂紹嘉、呂嘉、簡文彬、嚴良堃、閻惠昌、水藍、葉詠詩、鄭立彬、邱君強、莊東杰、林勤超、瑞霖(Helmuth Rilling)、赫比希(Günther Herbig)、豪勒隆(Gábor Hollerung)、貝爾紐斯(Frieder Bernius)、瓦薩里(Tamás Vásáry)、皮克特(Philip Pickett)、羅非(Pascal Rophé)、柯爾悌(Francesco Corti)等;曾演出之經典作品,包含巴赫《聖誕神劇》、《B小調彌撒》、《聖約翰受難曲》、《聖馬太受難曲》、貝多芬《第九號交響曲》、布拉姆斯《德文安魂曲》、布列頓《戰爭安魂曲》、卡爾奧福《布蘭詩歌》、韓德爾《彌賽亞》、《以色列人在埃及》、莫札特《安魂曲》、孟德爾頌《以利亞》、《第二號交響曲》、馬勒第二、三、八號交響曲、及威爾第《安魂曲》等,並曾於台灣首演洗星海《黃河大合唱》、錢南章《馬蘭姑娘》、《佛教涅盤曲》、《娜魯灣—第二號交響曲》、《十二生肖》、許常惠《鄭成功》、馬水龍《無形的神殿》、金希文《黑鬚馬偕》、錢南章《畫魂》、周龍《白蛇傳》等新作。
Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, founded in 1972, has established an extensive repertoire and a reputation as one of the most prestigious choruses in Taiwan. Members of the chorus are music lovers from all walks of life. Their love of music, combined with the vision of the conductors, has allowed the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus to greatly increase the number of performances it gives each year. Since it is one of the leading performing groups in Taiwan, Taipei Philharmonic Chorus is awarded and sponsored by the Ministry of Cultural from 1994 to date as an “Outstanding Performing Group”.
The chorus has been collaborated or invited to perform with famous orchestras and conductors in many different festivals and countries, such as Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Asian Youth Orchestra, Macao Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok, Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra, Taipei City Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, and Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Helmuth Rilling, Günther Herbig, Gilbert Kaplan, Frieder Bernius, Jahja Ling, Shao-Chia Lü, Wen-Pin Chien, among others.
The repertoire of the Chorus includes Bach’s “B Minor Mass”, “St. John Passion”, “St. Matthew Passion”, “Christmas Oratorio”, Mozart’s Requiem, Beethoven’s Symphony No.9, Mendelssohn’s Symphony No.2, “Elijah”, “Midsummer Nights’ Dreams”, Brahms’ Requiem, Verdi’s Requiem, Mahler’s Symphony No.2, No.8, Orff’s “Carmina Burana”, to name a few.
From the 140-voice chorus, a smaller 40-voice choir is selected to tour and to perform more selected musical works. This group, known as “Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir”, has an impressive history of overseas performances, and had become the major professional choir in Taiwan.
The chorus’ current music director is Yu-Chung John Ku, with resident conductor Wei-Chun Regina Chang, under the artistic direction of Prof. Dirk DuHei.