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姓名: 台中室內合唱團 Taichung Chamber Choir (19/20)

台中室內合唱團 Taichung Chamber Choir




2019 桃園合唱藝術節合唱大賽第一名

2019 獲邀參加第35屆日本寶塚國際室內合唱大賽決賽

2018 十度獲選臺中市傑出演藝團隊

2018 連續三年獲邀於臺中花都藝術季演出

2018 受邀擔任臺中花卉博覽會開幕音樂會表演團隊

2017 首團榮獲「全國社會組合唱比賽」混聲組「金質獎」二連霸

2016 首團榮獲「全國社會組合唱比賽」「三冠王」(混聲、女聲、男聲三組)

2016 受邀擔任「日本輕井澤國際合唱音樂節」開場音樂會演出團隊

2014 榮獲臺中市第三屆「金藝獎」

2014 受邀擔任臺中國家歌劇院形象廣告代言人

2012 榮獲「美國世界合唱大賽」民謠組公開賽金牌獎

2012 榮獲「台灣區全國師生鄉土歌謠比賽」社會組原住民語系特優第一名

Taichung Chamber Choir (TCC) was established in 2002. Most of the members own rich experiences in choral performances and have strong capabilities in singing. Today, TCC is a quite famous mixed chorus group in central Taiwan.

Since 2002, TCC has performed in many cities, domestic and abroad. Their exquisite and beautiful voices have brought tremendous positive affirmation and earned great honor. In 2012, TCC won the first prize in the National Competition of Folk Song for Students and Teachers. In the same year, TCC won the medal in the folk song category in World Choir Games. In 2014, TCC competed with many other superior teams and won the honor of “Taichung Performing Arts Golden Award”. TCC was also invited as the endorser when Taichung National Opera house was completed. In 2016, TCC was invited to perform in Karuizawa International Choral Festival, Japan. Their performances were so welcomed that audiences from all over the world were deeply touched by their voices. In December 2016, TCC won three medals in mixed chorus, male chorus as well as female chorus in the National Chorus Competition of Society. In 2017, TCC won the medal in mixed chorus again. This is the first time in the history that a choral team earns three honors at the same time. TCC is one of the communities that have been elected the extraordinary group in arts and performing for 10 consecutive years.