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姓名: 林依潔 I-Chieh Lin(17/18)

林依潔 I-Chieh Lin

自幼由父親作曲家林進祐啟蒙習樂,曉明女中畢業後進入國立臺灣師範大學音樂系主修聲樂演唱,師事李靜美教授,隨後取得國立中山大學合唱指揮碩士,樂團指揮師事Dr. Zelman Bakser,合唱指揮師事Dr. Peter Jermihov,聲樂及論文師事蔡順美教授。經歷十多載教學歷練,沈澱思考後再回國立臺灣師範大學取得音樂學博士學位,師承許瑞坤教授。她熱情探究人類歌唱活動與文化,揮灑於聲樂、合唱指揮及音樂學領域。

    除學院系統外,她尚前往美國華盛頓州立中部華盛頓大學音樂研究所,紐澤西州普林斯頓西敏合唱學院(Westminster Choir College) 修習合唱指揮、兒童歌唱學及兒童聲音發展,以及赴義大利隨朱苔麗老師(Soprano Chu Tailli)學習聲樂演唱,2008年曾獲亞洲華人聲樂大賽亞太區獨唱優勝,並經常為臺灣作曲家發表歌樂作品,曾於義大利舉行兩場「女高音林依潔臺灣歌曲之夜」獨唱會,屢次參與世界合唱聯盟(IFCM)及歐洲合唱聯盟(Europa Cantat)在世界各地舉辦的合唱指揮大師班及研討會活動,以及德國司徒加特巴哈學院巴哈週音樂節(Bachwoche-International Bach Akademie Stuttgart)。

    她是臺灣合唱藝術教育中不可忽視的中生代播種者之一,取得碩士學位後,於1993年起在中部地區先後創立藝術歌手(The Art Singers)、臺中室內合唱團(Taichung Chamber Choir)、捷音合唱團(Vox Hodie)就是現今的的節韻樂團(CAMC Mondo)。她所指揮的團隊屢獲臺灣區音樂比賽優等及首獎之佳績,涵括臺灣的中等學校合唱團、大學合唱團以及社會合唱團體。2008年指揮彰化藝術高中國中部音樂班合唱團獲得「杭州兩岸四地青少年藝術節音樂比賽The Cross-Straits Youth Art Festival」金牌獎。她也是2009年香港《第十屆香江明月夜大型中秋音樂會》首位邀請的臺灣客席女指揮,於香港文化中心音樂廳指揮中國交響樂團及港、澳、深圳、廣州,兩岸四地300人交響合唱演出。此外,豐沛的能量更在2014年2月傳遞到了非洲賴索托,在ACC孤兒院及當地小學進行歌唱與合唱教學,同年7月獲邀擔任中華民國外交部青年大使音樂指導。2018年2月客席指導義大利兒童合唱團(Coro Voci Bicanche Garda Trentino),推廣合唱藝術不遺餘力,她希冀透過合唱活動與歌唱教學協助年輕音樂學子及每一位愛好歌唱者,透過歌唱找回自己,圓滿生命道路。

    因緣際會中,她擔任第六屆臺中市音樂美學協會(Association of Music & Aesthetics)理事長、臺中市原住民族公共政策研究社理事,以及臺灣合唱協會理事等行政工作的歷練,促使她更熱情投入社會樂教與文化深耕工作。由於2005年擔任《大臺中合唱節》藝術總監的實務經驗,獲選財團法人國家文化藝術基金會94年「法國短期參訪交流計畫」臺灣代表,發表《小鎮的意念–法國38獅吼現代藝術節》。自法歸來後2006年在國立自然科學博物館植物園東南亞最高熱帶雨林溫室內發起舉辦「花朝溫室室內音樂節Vox Hodie Chamber Music Festival」活動。2010年再度擔任《大臺中合唱節》藝術指導,創作主題曲「Let’s Sing一起唱歌」,隨後受邀協助全國中學運動會創作主題曲《相聚臺中》及錄製,2013年再度受臺達電和國立自然科學博物館植物園委託,製作植物園熱帶雨林溫室舉辦「夢幻雨林~四季交響詩」戶外音樂會。幾經歷練後,音樂藝術專業受到肯定,除臺灣區合唱音樂比賽外,亦獲邀擔任《原住民族e起舞動》母語戲劇比賽評審、臺中市文化局傑出表演藝術團隊評審,臺中國家歌劇院節目評審委員。2008年參與義大利國際兒童合唱比賽(Concorso di IL Garda in Coro)國際賽評審,是該賽事邀請的首位亞洲評審。

    2007年曾協助義大利作曲家Enrico Miaroma翻譯青少年歌劇《義大利的紅靴貓Il gatoo con gli stivali》中文劇本,出版樂譜並進行世界首演。讓她反思自己國家合唱作品的充實尚有待努力,遂著手進行合唱作品編寫與合唱樂評撰寫工作。她的臺語詩《細漢的花蕊》由父親作曲,獲教育部收錄出版於臺灣本土合唱教材,也以謝慈惠的泰雅族語新創童詩寫作《泰雅之歌Song of Tayan》組曲,魯凱族歌謠改編合唱曲《歌韻Song》,以利原住民母語的學習。2014年她為國小學生創作的太魯閣族語合唱曲《歌雨Qmuyux》,榮獲臺灣合唱協會新韻之聲合唱徵曲比賽第二名。

I-Chieh Lin was born in a music family, enlightened by his father to develop her talent in music. After graduating from the Stella Matutina Girls' High School, she entered the Music Department of the National Taiwan Normal University and majored in vocal performance, studying under Professor Li Jingmei. Ms. Lin subsequently obtained her master’s degree in choral conducting at the National Sun Yat-sen University with her studying of orchestra conducting under Dr. Zelman Bakser, choral conducting under Dr. Peter Jermihov, and vocal performance and dissertation under Professor Shun-mei Tsai. After more than ten years of experience in teaching, she settled her thoughs and returned to the National Taiwan Normal University to complete her doctorate degree in musicology, supervised by Professor Rui-kun Hsu. Ms. Lin passionately explored human singing activities and cultures and devoted herdelf to the fields of vocal performance, choral conducting, and musicology.

In addition to the academic studies, Ms. Lin’s course of study includes taking courses, such as choral conducting, children's singing and children's voice development etc., at the graduate school of music in Central Washington University and Westminster Choir College in Princeton, New Jersey in the United States. She also went to Italy to study vocal performance with Soprano Chu Tailli. In 2008, she won the Asian Chinese Vocal Competition in Asia-Pacific Region and held two solo concerts named “The Soprano Lin I-Chieh’s Taiwan Night” in Italy. She was keen to perform Taiwanese composers’ music works and has participated in various activities, such as the Chorus Conductor Master Class, organized by IFCM and Europa Cantat, and the Bachwoche-International Bach Akademie Stuttgart in Germany.

Ms. Lin is one of the important middle-generation cultivators of choral art education in Taiwan. After earning her master's degree in 1993, she has founded The Art Singers, Taichung Chamber Choir, Vox Hodie and CAMC Mondo in Central Taiwan. The teams she conducted, from Taiwanese secondary school choirs, university choirs to adult choirs, were frequently awarded the first prize and Excellence Award in Music Competitions of Taiwan District. In 2008, she directed the Music Class Chorus of the Changhua Arts High School and won the Gold Medal Award in the Cross-Straits Youth Art Festival Music Competition held in Hangzhou, China. She was the first Taiwanese female conductor to be invited to the 10th Hong Kong Grand Mid-Autumn Concert as a guest conductor in 2009. She conducted the Chinese Symphony Orchestra and the chorus of 300 people from Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou to perform together in the concert hall of the Hong Kong Cultural Center. In addition, her abundant energy was spread to Lesotho in Africa in the February of 2014. She taught singing and choral performance at the ACC orphanages and local primary schools. In July of the same year, she was invited to serve as the music director for the young ambassadors by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China. In February 2018, she, as a visiting conductor, gave instructions to the Coro Voci Bicanche Garda Trentino to promote choral art. By means of choral activities and teaching singing, she hopes to help young music majors and those who love singing find themselves through singing and make their lives complete.

Ms. Lin went through the experiences of being the chairperson of the sixth session of the Association of Music Aesthetics of Taichung City, the faculty board of the Institute of Indigenous Peoples Public Policy of Taichung City, and the Taiwan Choral Association, which urged her to get more committed to social music education and deeper cultural foundation. In 2005, with the practical experience of the artistic director of the Greater Taichung Choral Festival, she was selected as Taiwan’s representative of the French Short-term Visit and Exchange Program offered by the National Culture and Arts Foundation to present her creation “The Idea of ​​the Little Town” at  The 38e Rugissants Festival. After returning from France, in 2006, she organized the "Vox Hodie Chamber Music Festival" in the tropical rainforest greenhouse, having the tallest height in Southeast Asia, of the botanical garden at the National Museum of Natural Science. In 2010, she served as the artistic director of the Greater Taichung Choral Festival again and wrote the theme song "Let's Sing." Meanwhile, she assisted the National Middle School Games to write the theme song "Gather in Taichung" and do the recording. Again, in 2013, she was authorized by the Delta Electronics and the National Museum of Natural Science to produce and hold the outdoor concert entitled "Dream Rainforest - Symphony of Four Seasons" in the tropical rainforest greenhouse of the botanical garden at the museum. After several years of practical experiences, Ms. Lin’s musical professionalism is highly recognized. She is invited to serve as the judge not only in choral music competitions in Taiwan District, but also in the native language drama competition of “Indigenous Peoples Dance,” in the outstanding performance art team audition held by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taichung City. She is also a member of The Taichung National Opera Program Jury. In 2008, she participated in the international competition of the Concorso di IL Garda in Coro as a judge; she was the very first Asian judge invited by this event.

   In 2007, Ms. Lin assisted Enrico Miaroma, the Italian composer, to translate the Italian opera for Youth "Il gatoo con gli stivali " into Chinese, publish a musical score and make a world premiere, which made her aware of the enhancement needed to be done in native choral works and drove her to compose choral works and write choral music reviews. She wrote a Taiwanese poem “The Little Flower,” which was composed by his father. The song then was selected by the Ministry of Education and published as Taiwanese choral teaching materials. Besides, to facilitate learning their mother tongues, she wrote the song “Song of Tayan”in the lyrics of a children poem in Atayal, and adapted the Rukai songs into the choral song "Song." In 2014, she created the choral song "qmuyux" in Taroko for primary school students, and won the second prize in the Taiwan Chorus Association's Voice of New Rhyme Choral Song Writing Competition.