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程碩聰 Bryan Cheng
曾經受邀協奏團體包括與布魯塞爾愛樂樂團、瑞士羅曼德管弦樂團、赫爾辛基愛樂樂團、安特衛普交響樂團、拉赫蒂交響樂團、瓦隆皇家管弦樂團、塔皮奧拉小交響樂團、約翰內斯堡愛樂樂團、新斯科舍交響樂團等。 程碩聰先生亦曾與 Giordano Bellincampi、Jonathan Darlington、Stéphane Denève、Jacques Lacombe、Susanna Mälkki、Peter Oundjian、Matthias Pintscher 和 Dalia Stasevska 等知名指揮家合作。
作為 Cheng² Duo、CeloFellos 的成員和室內樂演奏家,程碩聰先生在全球範圍內廣泛演出。他有幸與 Angela Hewitt、Christian Tetzlaff、Lars Vogt 和 Antje Weithaas 等合作夥伴合作。本季的獨奏會和音樂節亮點包括在慕尼黑的 Gasteig、柏林愛樂樂團的 Kammermusiksaal(與大提琴家 Leonard Disselhorst 合作)、Orford Musique 和蒙特利爾室內音樂節的首次亮相,再次受邀參加 Elbphilharmonie 的 Großer Saal、布魯塞爾的 Flagey、哈利法克斯的 Cecilia 音樂會系列和 Port Hope 的音樂之友,在南非、太平洋西北部(加利福尼亞、愛達荷、蒙大拿、華盛頓)和溫哥華島巡迴演出,並在瑞士 Verbier 音樂節、德國 Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern、波蘭 Krzyżowa 音樂節和魁北克 OSM Virée,與小提琴家 Andrew Wan 同台演出。
程碩聰先生於德國唱片公司 audite 發行了三個專輯—Russian Legends (2019)、Violonchelo del fuego (2018) 和 Violoncelle français (2016)—受到英國《泰晤士報》、《南德意志報》、ORF Radio 的好評(奧地利)、WCRB 波士頓古典廣播電台和 BBC 蘇格蘭廣播電台等。
程碩聰先生目前使用“Dubois”Antonio Stradivarius 大提琴,Cremona,1699年製,Canimex Inc. 由 Drummondville(魁北克)慷慨地提供給他。
Following recent prize-winning successes at some of the world’s most prestigious international competitions, including Queen Elisabeth, Concours de Genève, and Paulo, Canadian-born, Berlin-based cellist Bryan Cheng has established himself as one of the most compelling young stars on the classical music scene. He made his sold-out Carnegie Hall recital debut at age 14 and his Elbphilharmonie debut aged 20 with the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen (Joshua Weilerstein).
In the 2022-23 season, Bryan makes his ›Debüt im Deutschlandfunk Kultur‹ with the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (Alpesh Chauhan) at the Berliner Philharmonie playing Saint-Saëns No. 2, returns to the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (Laurence Equilbey) with Beethoven Triple and National Arts Centre Orchestra Ottawa (Yan Pascal Tortelier) with Saint-Saëns No. 1, and appears with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (Christian Arming) playing Haydn No. 1, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (Daniel Raiskin) playing Korngold and Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations, Orchestre symphonique de Sherbrooke (Jean-Michel Malouf) playing Elgar, Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra (Marc David) playing Saint-Saëns No. 2, and Wiener Stadtorchester.
Previous solo highlights include appearances with the Brussels Philharmonic at BOZAR, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande at Victoria Hall, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Antwerp Symphony Orchestra, Sinfonia Lahti, Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, Tapiola Sinfonietta, Johannesburg Philharmonic Orchestra, Symphony Nova Scotia, Springfield (MO) Symphony Orchestra, Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim, and Schleswig-Holsteinisches Sinfonieorchester, as well as a coast-to-coast Canadian tour with the National Youth Orchestra as winner of the Canada Council for the Arts’ Michael Measures Prize. Bryan has collaborated with such esteemed conductors as Giordano Bellincampi, Jonathan Darlington, Stéphane Denève, Jacques Lacombe, Susanna Mälkki, Peter Oundjian, Matthias Pintscher, and Dalia Stasevska.
As member of the Cheng² Duo, CelloFellos, and as chamber musician, Bryan performs extensively across the globe. He has had the privilege of working with partners such as Angela Hewitt, Christian Tetzlaff, Lars Vogt, and Antje Weithaas. Recital and festival highlights this season include debuts at Munich’s Gasteig, Berliner Philharmonie’s Kammermusiksaal (with cellist Leonard Disselhorst), Orford Musique, and Montréal Chamber Music Festival, re-invitations to the Großer Saal of the Elbphilharmonie, Brussels’ Flagey, Halifax’s Cecilia Concert Series and Port Hope’s Friends of Music, recital tours throughout South Africa, the Pacific Northwest (California, Idaho, Montana, Washington), and Vancouver Island, as well as appearances at Switzerland’s Verbier Festival, Germany’s Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Poland’s Krzyżowa Festival, and Québec’s OSM Virée classique, in recital with violinist Andrew Wan.
He has released a trilogy of albums on German label audite—Russian Legends (2019), Violonchelo del fuego (2018), and Violoncelle français (2016)—which has been critically-acclaimed by The Times (UK), Süddeutsche Zeitung, ORF Radio (Austria), WCRB Classical Radio Boston, and BBC Radio Scotland, among others.
Bryan plays the “Dubois” Antonio Stradivarius cello, Cremona, 1699 graciously provided to him by Canimex Inc. from Drummondville (Québec). He is a recipient of the Deutschlandstipendium and has been supported by the Sylva Gelber Music Foundation with generous multiyear scholarships.