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姓名: 吳尚倫 Shang-Lun Wu

吳尚倫 Shang-Lun Wu

東吳大學音樂藝術碩士;2007年獲全額獎學金赴美攻博士學位,美國亞利桑納大學指揮博士候選人。曾帶領台北愛樂青年合唱團赴美演出,於洛杉磯等地舉行巡迴音樂會。受教於巴赫及德奧音樂權威Helmuth Rilling大師,任其助理指揮,協助排演布拉姆斯《德文安魂曲》,深受賞識,亦曾數次受邀前往美國奧勒岡巴赫音樂節(Oregon Bach Festival)。多次與兩廳院及國家交響樂團合作,擔任NSO歌劇系列白遼士《浮士德天譴》、華格納《諸神的黃昏》、史特勞斯《艾蕾克特拉》、馬勒第二號《復活》交響曲、第八號《千人》交響曲等演出之合唱指導。連續兩年獲選入「世界名人錄」(Who’s Who in the World, 2007 & 2008)。2010年返台,擔任台北愛樂合唱團與台北愛樂室內合唱團指揮,及台北國際合唱音樂節合唱指導。



Shanglun Wu received his M.M. in choral conducting from Soochow University, Taiwan, and is the D.M.A. candidate at the University of Arizona. With a broad range of his repertoire, Mr. Wu has demonstrated his great skills and music interpretations in performance of the Renaissance and Modern unaccompanied pieces, the vocal-instrumental works of the Baroque and Classical periods, and as well as in preparing the large-size chorus for the works, including Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, Beethoven’s Symphony No.9 “Choral”, Brahm’s Ein Deutsches Requiem, Mahler’s Symphony No.2 and No.8, Berlioz’s La damnation de Faust, Wagner’s Götterdämmerung, Strauss’s Elektra, just to name a few. Mr. Wu has served as conductor of Taipei Philharmonic Chorus and Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir from 2010 to 2014, he also served as chorus master in the Taipei International Choral Festival since 2002 to 2013. Besides in Taiwan, he has been invited to conductor concerts in several countries, including the U.S., Canada, France, China, Korea, etc., and also to serve as adjudicator/clinician in Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. He was also invited at Oregon Bach Festival and worked with Maestro Helmuth Rilling for several times. Recently, Mr. Wu focuses on performing and lecturing of the works from the Baroque and Classic periods, especially of the works by J.S. Bach, and also devotes himself in the under-processing project of the annotations and literal translations of the German librettos of cantatas and oratorios into Chinese. He is also the artistic advisor of the vocal ensemble Canto Sei, based in Taipei, and serves as artist-in-residence of the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus (2019/20).​