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姓名: 曾千芸 Chien-Yun Tseng

Suona: Chien-Yun Tseng

臺灣著名青年嗩吶演奏家,生於南投市,現定居於新竹縣竹東鎮,畢業於國立臺灣藝術大學中國音樂學系碩士、國立臺南藝術大學中國音樂學系七年一貫制。現師事劉江濱老師,先後多次赴大陸隨眾多名師學習。舞臺經驗豐富,曾多次受邀與各地職業樂團擔任協奏演出,遍及阿根廷、中國多省、新加坡、香港、馬來西亞、土耳其等地。曾獲選為新竹青年國樂團「竹青之星」、國立臺南藝術大學「南藝之星」、九歌民族樂團「九歌新秀」;曾榮獲臺灣國樂團「NCO 2014嗩吶好聲音」第一名與「最佳人氣獎」,同年於中國河北省邯鄲永年參加第二屆吹歌藝術節邀請賽榮獲「最佳演奏獎」。現為新竹青年國樂團嗩吶演奏員、新竹市立青少年國樂團指揮、新竹市立光武國中國樂團與新竹市龍山國小國樂團兩校指揮及分部老師、臺中市大雅國小音樂班指導老師。

Famous Taiwanese suona player Tseng Chien-Yun was born in Nantou City and presently resides in Zhudong Township in Hsinchu County. She obtained her Bachelor of Music Degree from Tainan National University of the Arts and master’s degree at National Taiwan University of Arts. Tseng currently trains under Liu Chiang-pin and has also traveled to China to study with many famous suona masters. A seasoned performer, she has been invited to work with many professional orchestras around the world, including Argentina, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Turkey. Tseng Chien-Yun was selected as the Rising Star of Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra, Tainan National University of The Arts, and Chiuko Traditional Orchestra. She won the First Prize and "Most Popular" award in the NCO 2014 Suona Competition, and was invited to take part in the 2nd Handan Chinese Music Festival for Wind Instruments in the same year and won the Best Performance Award. Tseng Chien-Yun is now a suona player in Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra, conductor of the Hsinchu Municipal Youth Chinese Orchestra, conductor and section leader of the Chinese orchestras at Hsinchu Municipal Guangwu Junior High School and Hsinchu Lung Shan Elementary School, and teaches the music class at Taichung Municipal Taya Elementary School.