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姓名: 艾迪克森‧魯伊斯 Edicson Ruiz

艾迪克森‧魯伊斯 l 低音提琴

艾迪克森‧魯伊斯,1985年出生於委內瑞拉的首都卡拉卡斯。年僅十一歲的他,參加了由委內瑞拉經濟學家兼音樂家艾柏魯創辦的國立青少年管弦樂團系統-「El Sistema」,決定選擇拉奏低音提琴。他在這個樂團系統中遇到了啟蒙恩師菲利克斯․裴帝特,不但受到悉心栽培,還打下了堅實的演奏基礎。




Edicson Ruiz l Double Bass

Born in Caracas in 1985, Edicson Ruiz decided to play the bass when he was just eleven years old. His first teacher and mentor Felix Petit guided him through his studies in "El Sistema", the Venezuelan national youth orchestra foundation founded by José Antonio Abreu.

At the age of 15, Edicson Ruiz took first place at the International Solo Bass Competition in Indianapolis, USA. Subsequently, he attended courses with Janne Saksala, and in 2001 became the youngest member of the Orchestra Academy of the Berlin Philharmonic, where he studied with Klaus Stoll. During this time, Edicson Ruiz won a job at the Berlin Philharmonic.

Edicson Ruiz is one of most successful bass soloists of the present time, and his virtuosity impresses audiences the world over. He is a regular guest at festivals such as the Salzburg Festival, the Lucerne Festival, and the Warsaw Chopin Festival, and has performed concerts in major metropolises such as New York, Berlin, Tokyo, Madrid, Zürich and Johannesburg.

He has premiered numerous works written for him by composers such as Heinz Holliger, Rudolf Kelterborn, Paul Desenne, Efrain Oscher, Arturo Pantaleon, Matthias Ockert, Luis Antunes Pena, Dai Fujikura, Rudolf Kelterborn and Roland Moser. His chamber music activities have led him to close relationships with Anner Bylsma, György Kurtág, Heinz Holliger, Elliot Carter, Maurice Bourgue, Klaus Thunemann, Sabine Meyer, Yuri Bashmet, Christian Tetzlaff, Thomas Zehetmair, Gidon Kremer, Lars Vogt and Jörg Widmann.

Edicson Ruiz has recorded numerous CDs with Phil.Harmonie, which emphasize his passion for the music of the 18th century. International television productions also bear witness to his versatile achievements. He was granted the José Felix Ribas Prize in 2002 for his service to art and culture.