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1997年12月顏華容以多項最優異成績獲俄羅斯國立莫斯科柴可夫斯基紀念音樂學院(Moscow State Conservatory named after P. I. Tchaikovsky)鋼琴演奏最高文憑-鋼琴演奏博士(Исполнительская Аспирантура),是莫斯科音樂院成立一百四十年來第一位獲頒獲頒此學位的台灣人,也見證台灣音樂班教育多項成果之一。

顏華容自幼由葉秀勤老師啟蒙,先後師事林芳瑾、卓甫見、郭長揚、彭聖錦等教授,自福星國小音樂班畢業後通過音樂資優測驗進入南門國中音樂班、成為鋼琴家宋允鵬教授之弟子,以優異成績通過資優甄試保送國立師大附中音樂班、國立藝術學院(國立台北藝術大學)音樂系。歷年獲台灣省音樂比賽各組鋼琴、作曲、大提琴獎項。1993年以第一名由國立藝術學院畢業,旋即進入莫斯科音樂學院、並入俄羅斯最重要之鋼琴學派建立者-諾豪斯教授(H. G. Neuhaus)之兩位嫡傳弟子-馬里寧 (E. V. Malinin)及撓莫夫(L. N. Naumov)教授之門,濡慕於俄羅斯鋼琴傳統,受其薰陶,頗有心得。留學期間參加各國際鋼琴大賽、應邀於俄國境內及美、歐音樂節演出,皆獲好評。

顏華容的獨奏、室內樂、協奏曲演出愛樂者深切期待,每年受邀演出多場不同曲目獨奏會,尤以春、秋樂季定期於國家音樂廳暨演奏廳舉行之兼容學術與藝術特質的獨奏會總是一票難求,顏華容也經常受邀參與國內重要當代作品演出;2003年9月應兩廳院之邀於首屆「獨奏家」系列演出、與聖彼得堡愛樂管絃樂團首席克利屈柯夫(L. Klychkov)多次合作演出、與中提琴之后-今井信子於2009國台交國際藝術節合作演出;合作過的國內外樂團包括:俄羅斯聖彼得堡Klassika樂團、北歐謝提共和國(N. Ossetia)愛樂交響樂團、聖彼得堡愛樂協會交響樂團、台北世紀交響樂團、台北市交響樂團…等;2005年應邀與俄羅斯國立新西伯利亞愛樂室內樂團合作演出樂季開季音樂會、灌錄蕭邦與蕭斯塔可維契鋼琴協奏曲於俄羅斯發行;2012年再度赴俄灌錄獨奏專輯「天才機鋒」於2013年於台灣發行;規劃「2013拉赫瑪尼諾夫音樂節」,策畫音樂會、演講,並演出所有拉赫瑪尼諾夫鋼琴作品:2015年五月於國家演奏廳現場演出獲邀成為全球首張以奈米技術研製黑膠唱片,柴科夫斯基《四季》將於2016年春天正式發行。

演奏與教學之餘,顏華容亦活躍於音樂寫作,是國內頂尖鋼琴家中,極少數兼有廣闊曲目、紮實演奏能力、以及學術與寫作聲望者;身為活躍演奏家,顏華容的教學熱誠更受學生高度仰慕與信賴,現任實踐大學音樂系專任副教授、並於中正高中及國立新北高中音樂班兼任指導,兼顧演奏、寫作、教學與研究之高素質。著有《心有靈犀》與《蕭泰然─浪漫台灣味》等書,受邀為國內報章、《表演藝術》、《MUZIK》、《樂覽》等專業期刊撰寫樂評及評介文章,擔任兩廳院評議暨評鑑委員、第四屆台新藝術獎觀察委員,並為兩廳院與NSO, TSO, NTSO等國內各大樂團撰寫樂曲解說、擔任導聆;擔任2011國立台灣交響樂團國際青少年鋼琴營策畫暨召集人、第一屆至第五屆文建會音樂人才庫評審委員。

Artemis Hua Rong Yen, pianist, writer

One of the most sought-after pianists in Taiwan, Artemis H. R. Yen has attained to a unique place among the performers of her generation. With her performances being highly anticipated, program notes becoming collectors’ items, books and essays having won critical acclaims from professionals and music-lovers alike, Artemis Yen readily brings ideas and compassion to her native soil, Taiwan.

Granted the Post-Graduate Diploma (“Aspirantura”) in Piano Performance (an equivalent to a doctorate in music performing, or an Assistant Professor Certificate) from the famed Moscow State Conservatory, Russia in December 1997, Artemis Yen is the first Taiwanese citizen to be awarded such a degree from the famous conservatory. Yen studied with two of the most prominent professors, the late legendary flamboyant Prof. Evgeny V. Malinin, and the world-renown educator, Prof. Lev N. Naumov, successors to one of the finest Russian piano traditions - the faculty of the late Heinrich. G. Neuhaus. Yen also studied briefly with the outstanding pianists, Natalia Troull, C. Keene, Abbey Simon, Oxana Yablonskaya, Diane Andersen, John Perry, Robert Roux, Andrei Diev, and the beloved late T. Nikolayeva.

Born in Taiwan, Yen was nurtured in the Special Program for The Musically Gifted under the auspices of the government from elementary through high school, winning prizes in various local and national piano, composing, cello and writing competitions. Prof. Alexander Sung – a winner of International Johann-Sebastian-Bach Competition - was her mentor of 11 years. Yen graduated Summa Cum Laude from the National Institute of the Arts (Now Taipei National University of the Arts), Taiwan in 1993.

Yen frequently performs in Russia and other countries; her concerts have so far brought her to St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ryazan, Russia; Kiev, Ukraine, Vladikavkaz, N. Ossetian Republic, Russian Federation; Prague, Czech Republic; Paris, France; New York, Gainsville, U.S.A.

Active in research projects on music-related issues, Yen is also an author of two books and a reviewer-contributor to Performing Arts Review and MUZIK. Yen joined the faculty of Department of Music, Shih-Chien University, Taiwan in August 2004.

Yen founded, directed, and performed solo and chamber concerts at the Rachmaninoff Festival 2013 in Taiwan celebrating the composer’s 140 jubilee. Yen’s latest recording with accompanying book of Mozart and Prokofiev sonatas has been released in 2013; her first vinyl record “Seasons,” recorded live in Taipei National concert hall, will be released in April, 2016.