簡碧青 | 大提琴
「她是天生拉大提琴的,也是我等待數十年的奇才!」,法國大提琴泰斗傅尼葉曾如此稱讚簡碧青。在台灣出生長大、留學瑞士, 以最優異成績畢業蘇黎世與盧森音樂院的簡碧青,是國際知名的獨奏家和室內樂專家。她曾經在世界著名的音樂廳如紐約卡內基廳、紐約林肯中心、柏林音樂廳及蘇黎世音樂廳演出,並與倫敦愛樂、倫敦皇家愛樂、蘇黎世絃樂團(ZKO)和波蘭克拉科夫愛樂樂團合作錄音。簡碧青曾多次獲獎,其中室內樂專輯之一曾獲得波蘭"Fryderyk"錄音大獎。同時也是Zurich Ensemble及Ensemble Kandinsky的成員,受邀在倫敦Tate Modern及西班牙的Bilbao Guggenheim博物館演出。2014年底Sony索尼音樂出版的CD,由簡文彬指揮英國皇家愛樂、簡碧青擔任大提琴獨奏,錄製法比安 穆勒的【台灣狂想曲】及2015年初與國立台灣交響樂團世界首演的【台灣狂想曲】專輯受到台灣樂友極熱烈的好評。。她也受邀在 Richard von Weizsäcker (德國前總統) 榮獲奧托皇帝勳章典禮中,以獨奏家身份演出。也曾受台灣總統之邀在總統府演出。簡碧青發掘了,並致力於推廣20世紀初有名作曲家, 但現在卻被遺忘的保羅 猶翁的作品。為瑞士Musiques Suisses唱片公司世界首錄了保羅 居庸的大提琴協奏曲„Mysterien“,也錄製保羅 居庸的鋼琴三重協奏曲及大提琴奏嗚曲。
Pi-Chin Chien | Cello
“Pi-Chin Chien was born to play the cello… she is the talent I have been waiting for decades.” ― Pierre Fournier after hearing her playing for the first time, as reported by the China Times, Taiwan.
Great success celebrates currently her album „Taiwan Rhapsody“ released by Sony Classical, on which she plays Taiwanese Folksongs arranged by Fabian Müller, accompanied by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London and conducted by Wen-Pin Chien. Unforgettable is also the world-premiere of the two works „Taiwan Rhapsody“ and „Six Taiwanese Songs“ with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra NTSO and Wen-Pin Chien in Taiwan 2015.
Pi-Chin Chien is a sought after, internationally active soloist and chamber musician. Her busy international concert schedule includes solo appearances and recordings with orchestras such as the Philharmonia Orchestra London, the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra London, the National Symphony Orchestra NSO, the Zurich Chamber Orchestra and many others. She has given cello recitals and chamber music performances in the world’s most famous concert halls including New York’s Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center, Konzerthaus Berlin, Tonhalle Zurich and the National Concert Hall in Taipei.
Pi-Chin has performed numerous world premieres of works dedicated to her. Her rediscovery and recordings for the Label „Musiques Suisses“ of Paul Juon’s Triple Concerto, his Cello Sonata, and the world premiere of his Cello Concerto „Mysterien“ have contributed significantly to the current revival of interest in the composer’s work.
As a passionate chamber musician, she is a member of the Zurich Ensemble and the Ensemble Kandinsky Switzerland, which brings art and music together and performs at famous places like the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. the Tate Gallery in London a.m.o.
A native of Taiwan, Pi-Chin completed her studies in Zurich, Lucerne and Prague, obtaining a Soloist Diploma with distinction. She has received numerous awards at national and international competitions.
She played to honour Richard von Weizsäcker (former president of Germany) when he was awarded the Kaiser Otto Medal of the City of Magdeburg, as well as at the invitation of the President of Taiwan in the series of the renowned concerts at the presidential palace (with the National Symphony Orchestra NSO).
Together with her husband Swiss composer Fabian Müller, she is artistic director of the „Swiss Music Night“ in Taiwan.
Pi-Chin Chien plays an extraordinary Italian instrument, which is provided to her by a private person.