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姓名: 陳雨婷 Yu-Ting Chen
專長: 小提琴 Violin


陳雨婷,出生於台北市,現年20歲; 2016年獲得柯蒂斯音樂學院(The Curtis Institute of Music)學士學位並獲頒Milka Violin Artist Fellowship(米爾卡小提琴藝術家獎學金),在校期間事師著名小提琴家Ida Kavafian 、Shumel Ashkenasi。2016年接受耶魯大學音樂學院 (Yale School of Music)提供之全額獎學金及生活津貼,就讀耶魯音樂碩士(M.M.),事師 Ani Kavafian。


大師班曾受教於著名小提琴家:Ildiko Moog-Ban、杜沁雲、呂思清、趙薇、陳藍谷、歐陽慧剛、錢舟、左軍、Kyoungwoon Leah Kim、陳曦、何榮(中提)、何君恆(中提)、浦利葉(Christophe Boulier) 、黃蒙拉、寧峰、列賓(Vadim Repin) 、羅蘭.東嘉瑞爾(Roland Daugareil)、愛莫瑞科透(Amaury Coeytaux) 、安.蘇菲.慕特(Anne-Sophie Mutter) 、科特·薩斯曼思豪斯科(Kurt SASSMANNSHAUS) 、瑪麗娜·席施(Marina CHICHE)、皮爾特. 米蘭吾斯基(Piotr MILEWSKI) 、Alexy Bruni。

曾獲:2016 曼紐因小提琴大賽 青年組第三以名、Bartok 無伴奏獎 ;25th及第26th「奇美藝術獎」( 音樂類弦樂組 )得主;Stradivarius International Violin Competition得主;「行政院文建會4th音樂人才庫培訓計畫」培訓學員;教育部全國學生音樂比賽國小、國中小提琴音樂班組特優第一名;新加坡「5th亞洲明日之星音樂大賽」小提琴專業組第一名、「評審團特別獎」;「羅馬尼亞10th TI AMO國際音樂大獎賽「最高榮譽文化獎狀、最佳歌曲獎第一名、歌唱比賽獎第二名;法國F.L.A.M.E.國際音樂大賽小提琴組第一名;「5th Osaka International Music Competition」弦樂器第二名、「大阪府知事賞」;「臺北市立交響樂團童年協奏曲」小提琴選拔得主;並在台灣多項音樂大賽中獲得小提琴總決賽第一名。

曾在 :Royal Festival Hall、Duke’s Hall in London、BHS performing arts center、Kimmel Center、Hyatt at the Bellevue、Trinity Church、Teatro Civico、The Events Center Caloundra、The Arts Center Gold Coast、The Federation Concert Hall、Sydney Town Hall、Robert Blackwood Hall、UNESCO巴黎總部音樂廳、北京中山音樂堂、紐約臺灣會館、新加坡國立大學音樂廳、廈門國際會展中心、臺灣國家演奏廳、臺灣交響樂團霧峰演奏廳、臺北中山堂、臺中中山堂、臺南市文化中心、新北市文化中心、高雄音樂廳、臺北國光廳、國際會議中心…等地演出。

曾與Royal Academy Orchestra、Cape Symphony Orchestra、The Philadelphia Orchestra 、“Mihail Jora” State Philharmonic Orchestra 、 The Taipei Symphony Orchestra、 Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra…等樂團合作演出。



Yu-Ting Chen|Violin

Yu-Ting Chen, 20, is pursuing her Master’s Degree at the Yale School of Music with Ani Kavafian. She recently received her Bachelor’s Degree in violin performance at the Curtis Institute of Music under the tutelage of Ida Kavafian and Shmuel Ashkenasi, and her previous studies in Taiwan were with Chun-Yinh Lee and I-Ching Li.


A native of Taiwan, Yu-Ting has played in many halls including the Royal Festival Hall, Duke’s Hall in London, BHS performing arts center, National Taipei Recital Hall and the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Recital Hall. She performed with the Cape Symphony Orchestra and Royal Academy Orchestra in 2016, “Mihail Jora” State Philharmonic Orchestra in Varallo Sesia, Italy in 2010, and the Taipei Symphony Orchestra in 2003.


In addition to winning top prizes at the Menuhin Violin Competition in 2016, Stradivarius International Violin Competition in 2010, the 5th Asian Rising Star Competition in 2006, the 16th Europe FLAME Competition in 2005, and the 5th Osaka International Music Competition in 2004, she has also received scholarships from the Chimei Foundation back in Taiwan. She was given the Chimei Arts Awards in 2013 and 2014. Recently in 2016, she garnered the Milka/Curtis Violin Prize at the Curtis Institute of Music.


Over the span of her musical career, Yu-Ting has participated in master classes with world-renowned artists such as Miriam Fried, Anne-Sophie Mutter, Vadim Repin, Kurt Sassmannshaus, and Lu Si-Qing.