簡文彬 | 指揮
簡文彬生於臺北,國立藝專(現國立臺灣藝術大學)鍵盤組畢業,1990年負笈奧地利入國立維也納音樂院(現國立維也納音樂暨表演藝術大學)鑽研指揮,1994年取得碩士學位。在校期間,曾於義大利及法國等地國際指揮大賽中獲獎。1995年於以色列榮獲首屆伯恩斯坦指揮大賽特別獎。1996年起擔任德國萊茵歌劇院〈Deutsche Oper am Rhein〉駐院指揮迄今,並於1998至2004年擔任日本太平洋音樂節〈Pacific Music Festival〉常任指揮。1999至2001年簡文彬獲邀擔任國家交響樂團(NSO)首席客座指揮,並於2001至2007年擔任音樂總監。
簡文彬除以歌劇指揮身分,受邀於奧地利、荷蘭、德國及瑞士等地劇院指揮演出,也客席指揮包括奧地利、義大利、捷克、俄國、法國、日本、德國、香港及中國等地交響樂團。1998年他率領德國萊茵歌劇院於「維也納藝術節」〈Wiener Festwochen〉演出;2007年帶領德國萊茵歌劇院與NSO首度跨國合作,於臺北國家戲劇院演出全本理查‧史特勞斯《玫瑰騎士》;同年率德國萊茵歌劇院於瑞士「九月音樂節」(Septembre musical)演出普羅科菲夫歌劇《三橘之戀》。2009年簡文彬與導演Christoph Nel合作推出荀白克歌劇《摩西與亞倫》新製作,被德國重要媒體及評論譽為該劇院近十年來最成功的製作。萊茵郵報讚道「在簡文彬的指揮下,《摩西與亞倫》綻現出美而優異的全新樣貌,甚至讓聽眾完全忘記這其實是一部複雜的『無調性音樂』作品。」2010年簡文彬帶領德國萊茵歌劇院於德國魯爾區「2010年歐洲文化首都」(European Capital of Culture)計畫中,演出德國作曲家亨策(Hans Werner Henze)歌劇《費朵拉》(Phaedra)。
2012年簡文彬於德國萊茵歌劇院指揮史特拉汶斯基《夜鶯》及布禮頓《壁廬冤孽》之新製作演出,以及德國新銳作曲家Anno Schreier之歌劇《殺人犯Kaspar Brand》世界首演;此外亦受邀於英國倫敦與英國愛樂管絃樂團首度合作演出,並擔任奧地利「Klangspuren」現代音樂節開幕音樂會指揮,繼續為臺灣音樂家寫下新紀錄。
Wen-Pin Chien | Conductor
Wen-Pin Chien – Kapellmeister of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein (since 1996/1997 season), Resident Conductor of the Pacific Music Festival in Japan (1998-2004) and Music Director of the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan (2001-2007) – was born in Taipei in 1967. He graduated from the National Taiwan Academy of Arts summa cum laude (1988) with major in piano, and gained his master’s degree in conducting at the National University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna (1994).
Chien won the first prize at the International Conducting Competition „La Bottega“, Treviso (1992), the second prize at the International Competition for Young Musicians, Douai (1994), and the only Special Mention in the first Leonard Bernstein Jerusalem International Conducting Competition, Israel (1995).
During his tenure as the Music Director of the National Symphony Orchestra, Chien was the central artistic force behind its innovative annual Subscription Concerts and Opera series. Under his direction, the orchestra celebrated it’s 20th anniversary in 2006 with critically acclaimed production of Wagner’s complete Ring cycle, the first-ever production in the Chinese speaking regions. At the National Theater in Taipei, he conducted the Deutsche Oper am Rhein’s tour production of Der Rosenkavalier (2007) and Opera Australia’s Carmen (2009).
At the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Chien conducted the world première of Franz Hummel’s Beuys, the German premiere of Peter Eötvös’s Drei Schwestern, Giorgio Battistelli’s Richard III and the world première of Eleni Karaindrou’s ballet Phädra, as well as many revived productions. In 2009, Chien conducted a new production of Schoenberg’s Moses und Aron and, in 2010, a new production of Henze’s Phaedra. In the 2011/12 season, he conducts new productions of Stravinsky’s Le rossignol, Britten’s The Turn of the Screw and the world première of Anno Schreier’s Mörder Kaspar Brand.
As a guest conductor, Chien has worked with orchestras in Italy, Czech, Russia, France, Japan, Germany, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. He also appeared as a guest conductor at the Wiener Kammeroper; The Nederlands Opera, Amsterdam; Hamburgische Staatsoper; Komische Oper Berlin; Opernhaus Graz and Theater Bonn. At the Grand Théâtre de Genève he has conducted Unsuk Chin’s Alice in Wonderland (2010) and Birtwistle’s Punch and Judy (2011).