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The Age of Steam - The Employee Bathhouse: A Permanent Exhibition
Session Information
Number of Sessions Venue
2023/10/04(三)~2024/12/31(二)09:30~17:00 googleMap連結 澡堂


Event Details

From the perspective of the bathhouse as a spatial entity and cultural asset in the process of Taiwan's modernization, using images and miniatures, the western section of the exhibition presents the classic modern architecture of Taiwan in the 1930s, which signaled Taiwan's progress from the modern into the modern. The central area preserves the main part of the bathhouse. The on-site exhibition conveys the employees' life in the bathhouse. The eastern section contemporary features structural foundations and historic structures from the Japanese era, presenting the restoration guidelines and reutilization approaches to reaffirm the Workshop's mission of transforming and revitalizing itself as the National Railway Museum.
