姓名: | 汪奕聞 Evan Wong |
經歷: |
汪奕聞 Evan Wong 被日本《Chopin》雜誌形容擁為「充滿透明感的優美音色,在嚴謹的詮釋中充分展現出了他豐富的才華」的汪奕聞(Evan Wong)是第六屆日本仙台國際音樂大賽銀獎暨觀眾獎得主,其演出經歷遍及世界各地,包括美國紐約卡內基廳、莫肯音樂廳、波士頓喬丹廳、約翰漢考克音樂廳、芝加哥文化中心、德國漢諾威雅各比音樂廳、芬蘭音樂中心音樂廳、日本東京凸版音樂廳、霧島音樂廳、仙台日立廳、南韓大邱音樂廳、義大利奇耶蒂大劇院、台灣國家音樂廳、台中歌劇院、高雄衛武營音樂廳…等,並於美國明尼蘇達MPR、芝加哥WFMT、上海經典947、南韓KBS、臺灣愛樂、教育、中央、Bravo 91.3、漢聲等電台接受訪問演出。第一張專輯《Beethoven, Chopin & Others》於2020年秋天由德國Acousence Label發行。睽違四年,於今年2024年二月再度發行新專輯《Earthing安土》,錄製作曲家張玹的作品。 合作過的樂團包括比利時皇家瓦隆室內樂團、墨西哥美藝室內樂團、日本仙台愛樂、新仙台交響樂團、佐賀交響樂團、國立臺灣交響樂團、長榮交響樂團、台北愛樂管弦樂團、台北世紀室內樂團、美國南伊利諾音樂節交響樂團、美國密蘇里交響樂團,美國市民交響樂團、新英格蘭愛樂、西北大學交響樂團等,並曾與指揮家Pascal Verrot、 Julian Kuerti、 Victor Yampolsky、 Dorian Wilson、Daniela Candillari、Paul Meyer、Yuri Nitta、Edward Benyas、Gernot Schmalfuss、Ludwig Carrasco、石川星太郎、莊東杰、廖國敏等合作演出。 汪奕聞擁有歐美雙博士──德國漢諾威音樂戲劇學院(Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover)最高演奏家文憑(Konzertexamen)和美國西北大學音樂院(Northwestern University Bienen School of Music)音樂藝術博士(DMA)。他也是美國茱莉亞音樂學院(The Juilliard School)碩士、新英格蘭音樂院(New England Conservatory)學士榮譽獎章(Academic Honors)。師承Matti Raekallio、Jerome Lowenthal、Russell Sherman、Wha Kyung Byun、Boris Slutsky、Alan Chow、Ewa Kupiec、劉孟捷、魏樂富。 他活躍於各大音樂節,包括瑞士Verbier Festival、Lucerne Festival、荷蘭International Holland Music Sessions、美國Ravinia Festival、Aspen Music Festival、Music Academy of the West、Kneisel Hall Chamber Music Festival、Perlman Music Program、Princeton Festival、台灣國際藝術節Taiwan International Festival of the Arts、奇美音樂節等。 獨奏之外,汪奕聞時常參與室內樂演出,並曾與小提琴家帕爾曼、五嶋綠 (Midori)、Miriam Fried、Mihaela Martin、Pamela Frank、大提琴家Franz Helmerson、Laurence Lesser、Gary Hoffman、Merry Peckham、以及Borromeo、Takacs、Juilliard四重奏等音樂家合作。 熱中教學的汪奕聞在近年來曾多次受國內外各大學音樂系邀請舉行大師班並在美國俄亥俄大學、波士頓大學、西北大學、加拿大BAMA國際鋼琴音樂節、波蘭Euro Arts Academy音樂節、韓國漢陽大學、日本札幌大谷音樂學園、仙台河合中心、國立臺北藝術大學、國立師範大學、臺灣藝術大學、臺南藝術大學、臺北市立大學、輔仁大學、臺中東海大學、師大附中、中正高中、臺中二中、彰化高中和臺北史坦威中心等地教學演講。 目前為日本經紀公司Yatabe Music Associates旗下藝術家的汪奕聞自2023年起擔任國立臺北藝術大學專任助理教授。他也同時任教於臺北市立大學和輔仁大學,並曾任中國哈爾濱音樂學院特聘教授。 Praised by the Chopin Magazine in Japan for his “transparent, beautiful tone and thoughtful interpretation,” Taiwanese American pianist Evan Wong is the Silver Medalist and audience prize winner of the 6th Sendai International Competition in Japan. He has appeared in recitals and concerts throughout North America, Europe and Asia in venues such as Carnegie’s Weill Hall and Merkin Hall in New York, Jordan Hall and John Hancock Hall in Boston, Chicago Cultural Center and Pick-Staiger Hall in Chicago, Toppan Hall, Hitachi Systems Hall, Kirishima Concert Hall and Itzumity 21 Concert Hall in Japan, Daegu Concert House in South Korea, Flagey Studio 4 in Belgium, Brussels, Richard Jakoby Saal in Hannover, Germany, Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona, Spain, Teatro Marrucino in Italy, Music Centre in Helsinki, Finland and Taiwan National Concert Hall, Taichung Opera House and Weiwuying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts in Taiwan. Most recently, He released a second album in 2024 February titled《EARTHING》featuring works by composer Shiuan Chang that aims to raise mental health awareness. His first album under the Acousence Label was released in Germany 2020 and has also recorded for the MPR (Minnesota, USA), WFMT (Chicago, USA), KBS (South Korea), Shanghai Classical 94.7 (China), and the Taipei Classical, Radio Taiwan International, National Education, Bravo 91.3 and Voice of Han (Taiwan) stations. Mr. Wong has appeared as a soloist with orchestras including the Sendai Philharmonic, Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, Orquesta de Cámara de Bellas Artes de México, Southern Illinois Festival Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra, New Sendai Philharmonic, Saga Symphony Orchestra, World Civic Orchestra, Northwestern University Symphony Orchestra and the NEC Philharmonia Orchestra and conductors Pascal Verrot, Julian Kuerti, Victor Yampolsky, Dorian Wilson, Daniela Candillari, Paul Meyer, Yuri Nitta, Edward Benyas, Kuokman Lio, Seitaro Ishikawa, Tung-Chieh Chuang, Gernot Schmalfuss and Ludwig Carrasco. A frequent guest in several renowned festivals, Mr. Wong has performed at the Verbier, Lucerne, Ravinia, Aspen, Gilmore, Kneisel Hall festivals where he has worked and collaborated with musicians such as Itzak Perlman, Miriam Fried, Gary Hoffman, Midori, Mihaela Martin, Pamela Frank, Franz Helmerson, Laurence Lesser, Kim Kashkashian and members of the Cleveland, Takacs and Juilliard Quartets. Mr. Wong holds degrees from the Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover in Germany (Konzertexamen), Northwestern University’s Bienen School of Music (D.M.A), The Juilliard School (M.M) and the New England Conservatory (B.M). His teachers include Matti Raekallio, Jerome Lowenthal, Wha Kyung Byun, Boris Slutsky, Mengchieh Liu, Alan Chow, Ewa Kupiec and Rolf-Peter Wille. Currently, Mr. Wong is a Full-time Assistant Professor at the Taipei National University of the Arts. He has also taught at the Harbin Conservatory of Music in China as their Distinguished Professor and served on the faculties at the University of Taipei and Fu Jen University. |