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姓名: 練雯嘉 Wen-Chia Lien

練雯嘉 Wen-Chia Lien

練雯嘉,2000年生於臺灣,目前就讀臺北市立大學音樂學系,主修作曲,師承潘家琳教授。在學期間,曾為紀錄片節目、學生電影製片、音樂劇場、肢體跨域作品等,擔任配樂及音樂設計等工作。此外,她的電子音樂作品曾入選為2023 C-LAB聲響藝術節的演出節目IRCAM Workshop: Selected Works。

Wen-Chia Lien, born in 2000, in Taiwan. She is currently studying at University of Taipei, majoring in music composition, under the supervision of Professor Chia Lin Pan. In college years, she has also worked as a composer and music designer for documentary TV shows, student film productions, musical theaters, and interdisciplinary projects. Furthermore, her works have been selected for performance in the 2023 C-LAB Sound Festival: Diversonics "IRCAM Workshop: Selected Works"

【參賽作品】傷痕 Scars

此曲以二二八事件為背景的淡水作為啟發,那是一九四七年,臺灣近代史上的傷痛年 代。然而,淡水只是臺灣悲劇的一角,其後發生的種種肅清運動,都使臺灣人民遭到慘絕人寰的屠殺、禁閉,而這些都在臺灣土地上留下不可磨滅的傷痕及陰影。

全曲共分成三段時態背景,敘述了淡水市井青年的號召響應卻只是以卵擊石的對抗,統治者的謀財害命和大規模鎮壓,以及喪親家屬的河畔尋親,勾勒出當時臺灣的三月常態。 此曲選用臺灣台語歌謠《補破網》來作為整首樂曲的主要動機與音程,貫穿全曲,並從該曲曲調中之音程關係,設計出此曲前兩段時態背景之音高素材,亦將其短小的動機埋藏於其中。而後在第三段的小提琴與擊樂發展出更長線的樂句,整體音樂經過音列轉換及音堆堆疊後的聲響變化,試圖描繪出當時人民對社會的滿腹悲憤和絕望之情,做為而後戒嚴時期的預示。

This piece is inspired by 228 Incident in Tamsui in 1947, a painful period in Taiwan's modern history. However, Tamsui is only a corner of Taiwan's tragedy. The subsequent purges have all led to the slaughter and imprisonment of the Taiwanese people, leaving indelible scars and shadows on the land of Taiwan.

The piece is divided into three sections of time, depicting the opposition, the call for response from the young citizens in Tamsui was a futile resistance, the murder and large-scale suppression of the rulers, and the search for relatives by bereaved families on the banks of the river, outlining the normal situation in Taiwan at that time. This piece uses the Taiwanese folk song "Repairing the Broken Net" as the main motive and use its interval from the song’s melody throughout the whole piece. Designing the pitch material of the first two sections of time from the interval relationship to several clusters, while also hides its short motive in it. Then, in the third section, the violin and percussion develop longer-line phrases, and the overall music changes in sound after the transformation of the scale and the stacking of the sound pile, trying to depict the full of anger and despair of the people at that time to society, as a premonition of the subsequent martial law period. The piece serves as a powerful reminder of the tragic events of the 228 Incident and the importance of preserving Taiwan's history, even its most painful chapters. It is a call to action for healing, and the prevention of future atrocities.



