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姓名: 余紀諺 Ji-Yan Yu

余紀諺 Ji-Yan Yu


Ji-Yan Yu comes from Kaohsiung. He majored in Film Scoring in the Department of Applied Music at the National Tainan National University of the Arts. During his studies, he was tutored in composition and scoring by Professor Shu-Hsi Chen, Professor Sheng-Hsien Liu, Professor Krisna Wu, and Lecturer Christina Liang.

【參賽作品】大分森林中的紅嘴黑鵯 Haipis in Mukzavan (Requiem for Bunun)

Haipis in Mukzvan,Haipis 指的是紅嘴黑鵯,布農族神話中提到一種叫做Haipis的聖鳥,在族人遇到大洪水時自告奮勇帶回火種拯救族人,但同時身體也被灼熱的火種烤焦,Mukzvan是布農族稱大分森林的詞語。在大分事件中布農族人與當時殖民的日本人發生衝突,希望用Haipis來比喻當時明知會犧牲卻無懼生死用自己的生命捍衛族人的布農族戰士們。


Haipis in Mukzvan, Haipis means Red-billed Black Flycatcher, a sacred bird called Haipis mentioned in Bunun mythology. In Bunun mythology, there is a sacred bird called Haipis, which volunteered to bring back fire to save the tribe when they were flooded, but at the same time its body was scorched by the heat of the fire. Mukzvan is the Bunun word for the Oita forest. Mukzvan is the Bunun word for the Oita forest. In the Oita Incident, the Bunun clashed with the Japanese, who were colonizing the area at the time, and wanted to use Haipis as an analogy for the Bunun's fearless defense of their own lives, despite knowing that they would be sacrificed. Bunun warriors who knew they would be sacrificed, but gave their lives to defend their people. The whole song starts from the point of view of the descendants walking in the Oita forest, and many fragments of memories are interspersed in different points of time during the walk. The non-linear narrative is the centerpiece of the piece, with many fragments of memories interspersed with different points in time during the walk through the forest. The non-linear narrative is the centerpiece of the piece. The music is based on a number of Bunun ritual songs and ballads, which serve as materials and motifs for the piece.


