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姓名: 黃皚雲 Ai-Yun Huang

黃皚雲 Ai-Yun Huang

獨奏家、室內樂演奏家、學者、教師和製作人,享有豐富音樂人生的黃皚雲,出生於臺灣高雄,擁有加州大學聖地亞哥分校的博士學位。2006年至2017年間,她指導 McGill 大學的打擊樂,並擔任該校的 William Dawson 學者。目前她是多倫多大學音樂學院教授兼打擊樂系主任,並指導該校大學打擊樂團。她同時也是瑞士Blonay soundSCAPE Festival 的藝術總監。

自2002年榮獲日內瓦國際音樂比賽一等獎和觀眾獎以來,受到全球認可的黃皚雲是現代樂的擁護者,委託創作、首演的作品有兩百部之多。她合作過的著名樂團包括:St. Lawrence String Quartet、 L’Orchestre de la Suisse Romande、台北交響樂團和聖地亞哥交響樂團。熱愛音樂的她,時常參與各國的音樂夏令營,例如: 荷蘭的 Holland Festival、巴黎的Agora Festival、加拿大的Banff Arts Festival、Vancouver New Music Festival、 CBC Radio、Montreal New Music Festival,以及墨西哥的Cervantino Festival. 

演奏之外,黃皚雲還以打擊樂為中心,與媒體科技、戲劇、舞蹈和音樂的表演藝術進行多方面的探索、研究。她曾在 Cambridge Companion to Percussion、Contemporary Music Review、Frontiers in Psychology、Journal of Motor Behavior、International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expressions、Percussive Notes、Intersections,和 CIRCUIT上發表文章;也發行過兩張 DVD:《Saving Percussion Theatre》 、 《Memory in Motion: Percussion in Surround 》,以及一部記錄Steve Reich 的《Drumming》鼓樂表演的紀錄片 《Drumming in Magic Time》。

The Globe and Mail 評論家 Robert Everett-Green將黃皚雲的演奏描述為賞心悅目,引人入勝。

The ever-evolving Aiyun Huang enjoys a musical life as soloist, chamber musician, researcher, teacher, and producer. She was the First Prize and the Audience Award winner at the Geneva International Music Competition in 2002. Recent performance highlights include engagements with L’Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, St. Lawrence String Quartet, and Aventa Ensemble;  new collaborations for new works include Roland Auzet, David Bithell, Vivian Fung and Nicole Lizee. An expert in Percussion Theater, her work on the subject has been published in Cambridge Companion to Percussion (2016) and Save Percussion Theater (Mode 242). She currently holds the position of Associate Professor and is the Head of Percussion Program at the University of Toronto. Aiyun is committed to creating a vibrant new music community for the next generation and is the Artistic Director for soundSCAPE, an annual festival for contemporary music and performance exchange in Italy. 

