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姓名: 弗利德‧貝爾紐斯 Frieder Bernius

弗利德‧貝爾紐斯 Frieder Bernius

貝爾紐斯(Frieder Bernius)的音樂成就在全球廣受讚譽,他以其傑出的指揮和教學能力而享譽國際。作為斯圖加特室內合唱團(Kammerchor Stuttgart)、斯圖加特巴洛克室內樂團(Barockorchester Stuttgart)、斯圖加特宮廷樂團(Hofkapelle Stuttgart)和斯圖加特古典愛樂樂團(Klassische Philharmonie Stuttgart)的藝術總監,貝爾紐斯扮演著重要角色。他於1968年創辦了斯圖加特室內合唱團,並使其成為同類型合唱團中的佼佼者。


貝爾紐斯應邀於世界各大音樂節演出,多次指揮世界青年合唱團(World Youth Choir),並四度應邀參加世界合唱大會(World Symposium for Choral Music)。他曾客座指揮倫敦愛樂樂團(London Philharmonic Orchestra)、德國不萊梅室內愛樂樂團(Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen)及斯圖加特室內樂團,自1999年以來與波札諾古樂學院(Streicherakademie Bozen)保持緊密聯繫。他還積極參與2000年至2004年的魯爾三年展(Ruhr Triennale),並與西南德電台室內合唱團(SWR-Vokalensemble)合作頻繁。1998年起,貝爾紐斯獲聘成為曼海姆音樂院的榮譽教授。


The work of Frieder Bernius has received great acclaim throughout the world; he is internationally in demand as both a conductor and a teacher. Frieder Bernius is the artistic director of the Kammerchor Stuttgart, Barockorchester Stuttgart, Hofkapelle Stuttgart and the Klassische Philharmonie Stuttgart. The cornerstone of his exceptional career rests in the creation of the Kammerchor Stuttgart in 1968, which he soon turned into one of the leading ensembles of its kind.

The creation of the Barockorchester Stuttgart and the Klassische Philharmonie Stuttgart in 1991 is testament to the stylistic versatility of Frieder Bernius. Whilst the Barockorchester concentrates on playing 18th century music on period instruments, the Klassische Philharmonie performs 19th to 21st century pieces with modern instrumentation. The bringing to life of the Hofkapelle Stuttgart in 2006 finally dedicated an ensemble to the music of the 19th century.

Frieder Bernius has given concerts at all major international festivals, directed the World Youth Choir on several occasions and has been invited to World Symposium for Choral Music four times. He has guest conducted the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen and the Stuttgarter Kammerorchester and since 1999, has maintained close ties with the Streicherakademie Bozen. Between 2000 and 2004 he participated in the Ruhr Triennale, regularly works with the SWR-Vokalensemble and since 1998 has been an honorary professor at the Musikhochschule Mannheim.

Frieder Bernius' work is documented on many audio recordings and CD albums, so far totally 120 recordings and 50 international CD awards. Bernius completed an edition of Mendelssohn’s ‘Sacred Works’ to commemorate Mendelssohn’s anniversary year in 2009 and he was honoured by the City of Leipzig with the Bach Medal.


