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姓名: 達格‧詹森 Dag Jensen

達格‧詹森 Dag Jensen

達格•詹森出生於挪威霍爾滕,11歲起師從Robert Rönnes學習吹奏低音管,隨後在奧斯陸的挪威音樂學院 (Norwegian Academy of Music) 於Torleiv Nedberg門下精進演奏技巧,之後繼續在漢諾威師從Klaus Thunemann教授。16歲的詹森在卑爾根愛樂樂團謀得生平第一個管弦樂團職位,不久後晉升為樂團的副首席。




室內樂在詹森的音樂生涯中扮演舉足輕重的角色 - 他是薩賓梅耶木管合奏團和音樂別墅合奏團的成員,同時也是數個音樂節的常客。




Dag Jensen was born in Horten, Norway and began bassoon lessons at the age of eleven with Robert Rönnes. He later studied with Torleiv Nedberg at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo. He won his first orchestral position with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra at the age of sixteen and was promoted to co-principal of the same orchestra soon after. He continued to study with Prof. Klaus Thunemann in Hanover.

He was principal bassoonist of the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra from 1985 to 1988 and held the same position in the Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra from 1988 to 1997. He is a member of the Saito Kinen Festival Orchestra and the Mito Chamber Orchestra, both with Seiji Ozawa as artistic director. From 2003 to 2005 Jensen was the principal bassoonist when Claudio Abbado founded the „Luzern Festival Orchestra“.

Dag Jensen won a first prize at the Norwegian Youth Music Competition and twice won the coveted ARD Music Competition in Munich, in 1984 and 1990.

His numerous solo appearances with renowned orchestras including, among many others, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Cologne Radio Symphony Orchestra and South German Radio Symphony Orchestras, the Mito Chamber Orchestra, Japan, the Royal Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Camerata Academica, Salzburg, English Chamber Orchestra, Würtemberg Chamber Orchestra, KBS Symphony Orchestra Seoul, Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra Manchester, Prague Symphony Orchestra and the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra with conductors like Seiji Ozawa, Jeffrey Tate, Sandor Vegh, Serge Baudo, Christopher Hogwood, and Iona Brown have taken him throughout Europe and Asia.

Chamber music plays an important part in his musical life, and he is a member of the Sabine Meyer Wind Ensemble and of the Ensemble Villa Musica. He is also a regular guest at several music festivals.

His artistic career is well documented on CD, with piano accompaniment as well as chamber music works and bassoon concertos.

Dag Jensen was Professor at the Hanover Academy of Music and Theatre from 1997 to 2011, and since 2011 he has been Professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich. He is also Professor at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo.

