姓名: | 大植英次 Eiji Oue |
經歷: |
大植英次 Eiji Oue 大植英次1956年出生於廣島,大學時期於日本桐朋學園跟隨齋藤秀雄學習指揮。1978年應小澤征爾邀請,赴美國檀格塢音樂中心(Tanglewood Music Center)學習,同年進入新英格蘭音樂學院(New England Conservatory of Music)指揮系。師從拉里・李文斯通(Larry J. Livingston)的同時,曾參加阿巴多(Claudio Abbado)、科林・戴維斯爵士(Sir Colin Rex Davis)、庫爾特•馬蘇爾(Kurt Masur)等指揮家的大師班課程,並獲得了藝術家文憑(Artist Diploma)。在檀格塢音樂節(Tanglewood Music Festival)上遇到恩師伯恩斯坦(Leonard Bernstein)後,兩人一同在世界各地多次演出。他曾榮獲過多項獎項,包括1980年檀格塢音樂節的庫塞維斯指揮獎(Koussevitzky Prize)、1981年薩爾茨堡莫扎特指揮比賽第一名及漢斯・哈林金牌獎(Hans Harin Gold Medal)等。 大植英次曾擔任水牛城愛樂交響樂團(Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra)副指揮。1990~1995年擔任伊利愛樂交響樂團(Erie Philharmonic)音樂總監,1995~2002年擔任明尼蘇達交響樂團(Minnesota Orchestra)第9任音樂總監,並首次帶領該樂團進行了的歐洲巡演和日本巡演,取得了驚人的成績。此外,他在1997~2003年間擔任懷俄明州提頓縣大提頓音樂節的音樂總監。1998~2009年擔任北德廣播漢諾威交響樂團首席指揮,並被授予榮譽指揮稱號。2000年開始,他擔任漢諾威音樂大學終身職教授。2003~2012年接替朝比奈隆擔任大阪愛樂交響樂團音樂總監,2006~2009年擔任巴塞隆納交響樂團音樂總監。 2005年夏天,他在拜魯特音樂節(Bayreuth Festival)上指揮《崔斯坦和伊索德(Tristan und Isolde)》,引起了世界的關注。2006年至2012年,他製作了大阪城西丸庭園的「星空音樂會」,並於大阪御堂筋、中之島周邊店鋪以及展室等數十處舉辦「大阪古典」等音樂會。大植英次對音樂推廣的熱情,讓數以萬計的聽眾為之傾倒。2014年3月指揮東京愛樂樂團「2014創團100週年紀念世界巡演」,在紐約、馬德里、巴黎、倫敦、新加坡、曼谷等地演出,都獲得了極高的評價。 此外,大植英次也曾在紐約愛樂樂團、芝加哥交響樂團、費城管弦樂團、洛杉磯愛樂樂團、聖路易交響樂團、慕尼黑愛樂樂團、萊比錫布商大廈管弦樂團、漢堡北德廣播交響樂團、法蘭克福廣播交響樂團、科隆西德廣播交響樂團、斯圖加特廣播交響樂團、羅馬聖切契利亞管弦樂團、瑞典廣播交響樂團等樂團擔任客席指揮,並獲得了很高的評價。 大植英次與明尼蘇達交響樂團合作錄製的12張CD由美國RR典範錄音唱片公司發行。1996年的斯特拉文斯基《火鳥》和1997年的《展覽會之畫》連續兩年獲得葛萊美獎提名。2004年指揮明尼蘇達交響樂團錄製作曲家阿金特的作品集《圭蒂之館》獲得葛萊美獎。此外,他也曾和NDR與環球音樂合作,發行【貝多芬:戲劇《埃格蒙特》配樂】和【《1812年~華麗的管弦樂隊名曲集》】;和希拉里•哈恩(Hilary Hahn)與瑞典交響樂團合作錄製協奏曲集,由德國留聲機發行;以及和大阪愛樂樂團錄製現場錄音系列《Age of Age》。 大植英次曾獲2006年度大阪藝術獎特別獎、齋藤秀雄紀念基金獎。2007年11月獲得第42回大阪市市民表彰。2009年6月獲得下薩克森州功績勳章和一等功十字勳章。 Eiji Oue (大植英次, born 1956 in Hiroshima) is a renowned Japanese conductor. Oue began his conducting studies with Hideo Saito of the Toho Gakuen School of Music. In 1978, Seiji Ozawa invited him to spend the summer studying at the Tanglewood Music Center, where he met his future mentor Leonard Bernstein, and followed him all over the world for his concert as an assistant. In the same year, he started his study at the New England Conservatory of Music under Larry J. Livingston. At his period, he attended numerous master classes held by famous conductors like Claudio Abbado, Sir Colin Rex Davis, and Kurt Masur. Oue won the Tanglewood Koussevitzky Prize in 1980, and the Salzburg Mozarteum first prize and the Hans Haring Gold Medal in 1981. Eiji Oue is Conductor Laureate of the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra, having served as Music Director from 2003-2012, and Conductor Laureate of the NDR Radio Philharmonic Orchestra Hannover, following eleven years as their Music Director (1998-2009). He has also held the positions of Music Director of Pennsylvania’s Erie Philharmonic Orchestra (1991-1995), Music Director of the Minnesota Orchestra (1995-2002), Music Director of the Orquesta Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya (Barcelona Symphony Orchestra) (2006-2009), and Music Director of the Grand Teton Music Festival in Wyoming from 1997 to 2003.
In 2005 he made his debut at the Bayreuth Festival conducting Tristan und Isolde. From 2006 to 2012, he has produced the Starlight Concert and Osaka Classic concert at the Osaka Castle Nishinomaru Garden, consistently drawing large audiences. In 2014, he conducted the 100th Anniversary World Tour of Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, bringing him to New York, Madrid, Paris, London, Singapore, and Bangkok, all of which received critical acclaims. Eiji Oue has conducted many of the world’s finest orchestras throughout his career, including the New York Philharmonic, Philadelphia Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Frankfurt Radio Symphony, Munich Philharmonic, Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra, WDR Symphony Orchestra, and Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra.
He has also recorded 12 CDs with the Minnesota Orchestra, published by Reference Recordings. His recording of “Stravinsky: Stravinsky: Suite from The Firebird” and “Moussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition” earned him two consecutive Grammy Award nominations. In 2004, he received the Grammy Award for his CD “Casa Guidi,” a collection of works by Dominick Argento. Other notable recordings include the “Beethoven: Egmont” and an orchestral works collection he made with NDR, published by Universal Music; a concerto collection with Hilary Hahn and the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, published by Deutsche Grammophon; and the live recording series “Age of Age” with the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra. Eiji Oue has received many awards, including the Osaka Performing Arts Special Award and the Saito Hideo Memorial Fund in 2006, the 42nd Osaka Citizen Award in 2007, and the Order of Merit of the State of Lower Saxony in 2009.
2023/24 |