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姓名: 台北愛樂室內合唱團 Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir

台北愛樂室內合唱團 Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir


在指揮杜黑及古育仲嚴格訓練下已具職業演出水準,自登上國際舞台24年以來,足跡已經遍及世界各大洲三十餘國,足跡踏遍歐、亞、美、澳四大洲,於紐約卡內基音樂廳、布魯克林音樂院、雪梨歌劇院、墨爾本藝術中心、新加坡濱海藝術中心、北京國家大劇院、廣州星海音樂廳等世界級藝文展演中心演出,為台灣文化藝術傳承貢獻心力。歷年曾獲邀參加美國紐約下一波藝術節、明尼蘇達世界合唱大會、奧立岡巴赫音樂節,澳洲墨爾本藝術節、雪梨世界合唱大會,加拿大溫哥華國際音樂節、奧地利海頓音樂節、拉脫維亞國際音樂節、捷克斯麥塔納音樂節、波蘭管風琴暨宗教音樂節、新加坡華藝節、北京國家大劇院八月合唱節、法國Polyfollia國際人聲音樂節等。2016年,獲邀赴梵蒂岡,與西斯汀教堂合唱團於「德蕾莎修女封聖大典」中獻唱。2023年獲IFCM國際合唱聯盟邀請,於土耳其伊斯坦堡舉行的「世界合唱大會 World Symposium on Choral Music」演出,為全球十支獲選團隊之一。

每年固定邀請世界各地著名指揮來台客席演出,包括艾瑞克森(Gunnar Ericsson)、豪勒隆(Gábor Hollerung)、古伊南德(Maria Guinand)、韋拉斯科(Jonathan Velasco)、蕭伯(Fred Sjöberg)、瑞霖(Helmuth Rilling)、托瑪斯(André Thomas)、柯普(Peter Kopp)、帕羅薇琪(Theodora Pavlovitch)、利耶賓許(Jānis Liepiņš)、索羅維約夫(Alexander Solovyev)、裘比(Ambrož Čopi)等。


Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir (TPCC) is a 30-voice chamber choir from Taiwan. It was established in 1993, out of the 150-voice Taipei Philharmonic Chorus (founded in1972).

TPCC has an impressive history of performing internationally. They have been to all continents of the world, performed in major performance venues in more than 40 cities. The choir has participated in various International Choral Festivals, such as International Chamber Choir Festival in Latvia in 1995, the 4th World Symposium on Choral Music in Sydney, Australia in 1996, Festival Vancouver in 2000 & 2009, Asia-South-Pacific Symposium on Choral Music in Singapore in 2001, the 6th World Symposium on Choral Music in Minneapolis/St. Paul, U.S.A. in 2002, Oregon Bach Festival in Eugene, U.S.A. in 2006, Zempléni Fesztivál and Cantemus Festival in Hungary in 2007 & 2014, ACDA National Convention in Chicago in 2011, Polyfollia Festival in Saint Lo, France in 2013, Melbourne Festival in Australia and the Next Wave Festival in New York, U.S.A. in 2017, among others. In 2016, TPCC was invited to perform in the “Holy Mass and Canonization of Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta” in Vatican. In 2023, TPCC was invited to be one of the 10 international choirs featuring in the World Symposium on Choral Music in Türkiye.

The current Music Director of TPCC is Dr. Yu-Chung Johnny Ku, with Professor Dirk DuHei, the founder of this choir, as the Artistic Director. In addition to working with Dr. Ku, TPCC also invites internationally renowned conductors to Taiwan as guest-conductors frequently. The choir has worked with Helmuth Rilling, Maria Guinand, Gábor Hollerung, Jonathan Velasco, Theodora Pavlovitch, Fred Sjöberg, André Thomas, Jānis Liepiņš, Alexander Solovyev, Ambrož Čopi, among others.

The repertoire of TPCC ranges from renaissance to contemporary, from European classics to Asian countries, and the compositions with Taiwanese and Chinese heritage. On top of these choral treasures, TPCC has also been commissioning and premiering more than 200 new works from Taiwanese composers and composers around the world since 1993. TPCC’s albums have constantly been nominated for “Golden Melody Award”, and have won “Best Album” award and “Best Singing Performance” awards several times.


