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姓名: 蔡昭慧 Chao-Hui Tsai

Piano: Chao-Hui Tsai

蔡昭慧,畢業於國立維也納音樂院 (Hochschule fur Musik und darstellen Kunst)取得鋼琴演奏家及歌劇伴奏文憑,並獲頒「藝術碩士」學位。留奧期間鋼琴師事 Dr. Irene Barbag-Drexler及Prof. Roland Keller,理論作曲師事Prof. Kut Schwetsik及Mag.Diether dela Motte,歌劇伴奏師事Dr. Harald Goertz,並隨 Mag.Uras Lajovic修習管絃樂指揮。留學期間定期參加校內音樂會演出,並多次為作曲班發表新作,亦曾擔任布列頓 (B.Britten) 之歌劇一一「仲夏夜之夢」(Ein Sommernachtstraum)的助理指揮。


  Miss Tsai was granted a Piano Performance Diploma, an Opera Coaching Diploma and a Master of Arts Degree by the Hochschule fur Musik und darstellend Kunst, Vienna. She was a pupil of I. Barbag-Drexler, R. keller and H. Goertz. She also studied composition with K. Schwertsik and D. dela Motte, and orchestral conducting with U.

Lajovic. In the Hochschule, she was once appointed assistant conductor for Bitten's "A Mid-summer Night's Dream".

  Since returning to Taiwan, Miss Tsai has participated in many concerts of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, serving as a performer for piano, celesta and harpsichord; she is also responsible for piano rehearsal of the opera and accompaniment and translation in music camp in NTSO. Miss Tsai has been invited to be an adjudicator for preliminary contest of The National Student’s Music Contest, joint recruitment of senior high school in Central Taiwan, mocks and examination of several schools. Tsai was taught in National Kaohsiung Normal University, Tainan National University of the Arts and Stella Matutina Girls' High School; currently, She has taught in National Taichung University of Education and art talent classes. 

