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姓名: 葉展毓 Chan-Yu Yeh

葉展毓 Chan-Yu Yeh

聲樂師事陳振芳,徐以琳,畢業於高雄醫學大學生物科技系,東海大學音樂研究所。曾合作指揮包括:呂紹嘉、林勤超、鍾安妮、陳琳、邱君強、Helmuth Rilling、Günther Herbig、Stefan Soltesz、Gabor Hollerung、Gernot Schmalfuss。合作團體包括:NSO國家交響樂團、NTSO國立臺灣交響樂團、TSO台北市立交響樂團、兩廳院歌劇工作坊、台北愛樂合唱團、創世歌劇團、台北愛樂歌劇坊。


曾與NSO演出:台中歌劇院華格納《萊茵黃金》Donner、普契尼《強尼史基基》Betto di Signa 、威爾第《奧泰羅》Montano、跨新年音樂會《阿依達》Ramfis(選粹) 小約翰史特勞斯《蝙蝠》Frank(選粹)。與NTSO演出演出伯恩斯坦《西城故事》Riff、與TSO演出理查史特勞斯《納克索斯島上的阿麗雅德妮》 Lakai、柴可夫斯基《尤金‧奧涅金》Zaretsky。創世歌劇團:莫札特《女人皆如此》Guglielmo、《魔笛》Papageno。台北愛樂歌劇坊演出:羅西尼《賽維爾理髮師》Figaro、、《喬凡尼先生》Leporello。




Graduated from the Master program in Voice at Tunghai University, where Chan-Yu Yeh studied with Dr. Hsu Yi-Lin. Yeh is a current member of the Association of Vocal Artists. Yeh won the Special Prize of Paolo Silveri for Bel Canto Singing in the Mondial Chinese Vocalist Concours, In addition, he was selected as one of the 2013 AVA New Voices. He cooperated with Natioanl Symphony Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra . The Roles in Opera he played including: Donner in Das Rheingold, Figaro in Il Barbiere di Silvglia, Montano in Otello, Betto in Gianni Schicchi, Zaretsky in Eugene Onegin, Ramfis in Aida, ,Leporello in Don Giovanni, Alfonso and Gulielmo in Cosi fan Tutte, Lakai in Ariadne auf Naxos, Frank in Die Fledermaus, Papageno in Die Zauberfloete. Yeh also performed as a soloist in Bach’s Weinachsoratorium, Brahms’Ein detusches Requiem, Puccini’s Messa di Gloria, Beethoven’s Missa SolemnisMass in C major , Symphony no.9, Haendel’s Messiah, and Bruckner’s Te Deum LadamusMass NO.3


