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姓名: 林慈音 Grace Lin

林慈音 Grace Lin

英國皇家音樂院 (Royal Academy of Music) 特優演唱文憑,英國皇家音樂院音樂學士學位,國立藝專音樂科畢業。





Grace Lin graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London with performance diploma with distinction and has become one of the most sought-after soprano in Taiwan. Recent performances include Beethoven Symphony 9 with NSO, NTT production of Wagner “Tannhäuser” (Elisabeth), Mahler Symphony 4 and 2, a recital of contemporary cabaret songs. Hanna in "Die lustige Witwe" etc.

Major opera performances include: Cosi fan tutte (Fiordiligi, Dorabella), Don Giovanni (Donna Anna), Die Zauberflöte (Pamina), Carmen (Michaela), Suor Angelica (Genovieffa), Pagliacci (Nedda), Die Walküre  (Helmwige, Gehilde), Das Rheingold (Woglinde), Ariadne auf Naxos (Echo), Fidelio (Leonore, Marzelline), Le conte d’Hoffman (Antonia), Gianni Schicchi (Lauretta), Massenet: Sapho (Sapho), and etc.

In 2022, she has been elected as Associate of the Royal Academy of Music. She was also elected as Distingushed Alumni of National Taiwan University of Arts in 2016.


