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姓名: 陳南呈 Nan-Cheng Chen
專長: 大提琴

陳南呈 l 大提琴

旅居紐約的大提琴家陳南呈,熱愛與聽眾分享音樂。擁有美國茱莉亞音樂院學士和碩士學位,在校期間師從茱莉亞弦樂四重奏大提琴演奏家Joel Krosnick。經常受邀前往南美、北美及歐洲演出,曾一年有近百場的演出邀約,其中不乏於卡內基音樂廳、林肯中心等著名演出場地。近年演出獲得的各方好評包括:《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)“讓觀眾愉悅的傑出表演”、《紐約音樂會評論》(New York Concert Reviews)“優美的琴聲”以及麻州報紙(Worcester Telegram)“十年一見的精彩演出”等。

出生於臺灣臺中,陳南呈11歲起在臺灣多項音樂比賽中獲獎無數,包括1999年臺中市市賽大提琴及鋼琴組雙料冠軍,1999年全國音樂比賽音樂班組大提琴組第三名與鋼琴組入圍,及2004年臺灣行天宮大提琴比賽第一名。12歲赴美攻讀大提琴演奏後,曾在 Queens Symphony Young Soloist Competition、Quincy Symphony Concerto competition、Chamber Music Society of Boston Competition 及 Metro-West Symphony Concerto Competition榮獲首獎,並在Concord Symphony Concerto Competition、New England Conservatory YPO Concerto Competition、Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition 中名列前茅。亦曾受邀參與歐洲知名的國際音樂比賽,包括匈牙利的International Casals Cello Competition及奧地利的Brahms International Strings Competition。

陳南呈的音樂學習始於臺中光復國小音樂班,師事張正傑、陳俐亨和賴怡蓉等大提琴家。赴美後先後就讀於加州Idyllwild Arts Academy和麻州Walnut Hill School for the Arts,師事Eleonore Schoenfeld和Mark Churchill。在紐約求學期間,他進入The Juilliard School攻讀學士和碩士學位,並以全額獎學金進入CUNY Graduate Center攻讀博士學位,師事Joel Krosnick和Marcy Rosen,同時在此期間獲得美國頒發的傑出人才綠卡。 陳南呈擁有豐富的教學經驗,曾在多所學校擔任兼任助理教授,包括紐約市立大學皇后區分校之亞倫柯普蘭音樂學院(Aaron Copland School of Music at CUNY Queens College)和Feitian College。目前他擔任教職於長島Manahaim音樂學院,指導學生學習大提琴和室內樂。除了在美國的教學經驗外,陳南呈也曾受邀至多所國際大學,包括Penn State University、University of Wisconsin、University of Calgary、University of Panama、國立臺灣師範大學和國立臺南藝術大學,擔任大師班的教學。在2019至2023期間,每年七月,陳南呈擔任奧地利Altenburger Musik Akademie音樂節的大提琴師資,為學生提供專業指導和豐富的音樂體驗。

身為全職演奏家,陳南呈的演出足跡超過北美二十州,並遠及巴拿馬、巴拉圭、哥倫比亞等中南美國家。陳南呈曾與多個知名交響樂團合作演出協奏曲,包括Queens Symphony Orchestra、Symphony Pro Musica、Quincy Symphony Orchestra、Metro-West Symphony 等,更曾於委內瑞拉與國際知名的Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra 合作,在該國首演高難度的巴伯(Samuel Barber) 大提琴協奏曲,深獲好評。陳南呈也經常受邀於美國境內的知名音樂節中演出,包括波士頓胡桃山音樂節、Sarasota Festival、Banff Center、Kneisel Hall、Heifetz International Music Festival、Philadelphia Young Pianists Festival,  Bowdoin International Music Festival及Chautauqua Music Festival,這些音樂節提供了他展現才華和與其他音樂家交流的寶貴機會。此外,陳南呈曾在茱莉亞交響樂團、Sarasota Festival Orchestra、Bowdoin Festival Orchestra、Ensemble 212、Pagasus: The Orchestra及International Vienna Orchestra 等團擔任樂團首席。


除了演出傳統古典音樂,陳南呈也多次與知名的Peridance和Naini Chen(陳乃霓)現代舞團合作,激盪出多場令觀眾激賞的多媒體作品。其中與Peridance Contemporary Dance Company合作的作品Intimate Voices (1995),將於2023-24多次在紐約呈現。該舞蹈作品採用了多首巴哈所譜寫的大提琴無伴奏組曲。陳南呈亦曾與活躍於南北美的阿根廷裔手風琴家JP Jofre共同演出熱情奔放的探戈作品。2015年四月接受華盛頓芭蕾舞團的邀請,與知名芭蕾舞蹈家Misty Copeland於甘迺迪中心完成七場成功的演出。 近几年陳南呈常利用假期回臺灣演出及教學:以獨奏家身分與國立臺灣交響樂團合作,於臺中中興堂及苗北藝文中心演出舒曼大提琴協奏曲,現場座無虛席;與臺中古典管弦樂團合作,於同一場音樂會中演出兩首協奏曲:柴可夫斯基洛可可變奏曲和布拉姆斯雙協奏曲;與新亞室內樂協會在臺北國家音樂廳及臺中中山堂演出;在臺中二中、臺南藝術大學及臺北國立師範大學等音樂系舉辦大師講座,分享經驗。2017年六月於臺北文水藝文中心舉行獨奏會,并於國立臺灣交響樂團2017暑期青少年音樂營擔任教師和演出。同年十月與臺北市立交響樂團附設室內樂團(TSO Chamber Orchestra) 合作演出洛可可變奏曲。

Nan-Cheng Chen l Cello

Cellist Nan-Cheng Chen’s performance was recently described as “personable and smile-inducing” and “fine playing” by Washington Post and praised for his “Beautiful Tone” by New York Concert Reviews; nan-cheng is passionate about sharing music with music lovers.

As an active chamber musician, Nan-Cheng currently serves as the executive director of the New Asia Chamber Music Society (NACMS), which he co-founded in 2009; he is also the principal cellist of the Solisti Ensemble and Pegasus: The Orchestra and was a member of award-winning trios Sonic Escape and Neptune Trio. As an active soloist, Nan-Cheng has collaborated in cello concertos with renowned orchestras such as Simon Bolivar Orchestra, Vienna International Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Queens Symphony Orchestra, Metro-West Symphony, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Quincy Symphony, and Symphony Pro Musica, which received a review that states: “It was the kind of performance one might hear live only once a decade,” from Worcester Telegram and Gazette. A resident of New York City, Nan-Cheng has taught at CUNY Queens College and Feitian College in Middletown, and currently hold professorship at Mahanaim Music Institute in Long Island. Nan-Cheng is a CME Artist under the Center for Musical Excellence roster.

Among Nan-Cheng’s many honors and awards is first prize in the 2010 Queens Symphony Concerto Competition, 2009 Lillian Fuchs Chamber Music Competition, 2006 International Chamber Music Ensemble Competition, 2005 Quincy Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition, 2004 Hsin-Tian Temple National Cello Competition in Taiwan, and 2003 Metro-West Concerto Competitions. He also won prizes in the 2010 Long Island Conservatory Young Artist Competition, 2006 Fischoff National Chamber Competition, and 1999 Taiwan National Competition for both piano and cello categories. Nan-Cheng was also featured on NPR’s From The Top national radio broadcast in 2006, performing with its host, pianist Christopher O’Riley.

During the summer, Nan-Cheng has been invited to music festivals such as Canada’s Banff Centre, Sarasota Music Festival, Heifetz Institute, Encore School for Strings, and Kneisel Hall. He was a guest-performing artist at Chautauqua Summer Music Festival and a Kaplan Fellow at the Bowdoin International Music Festival. He served as a guest artist at the Annual Music Festival of Walnut Hill. As an educator, Nan-Cheng has given masterclasses to music students at Penn State University, University of Wisconsin, University of Calgary, and internationally at university music departments in North American, South America, and Taiwan.

A Native of Taiwan, Nan-Cheng has earned Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees from The Juilliard School, studying with Joel Krosnick, renowned former cellist of The Juilliard String Quartet and current cello departmental chair. Nan-Cheng Chen came to the United States at twelve and attended Idyllwild Arts Academy in California, studying under Eleonore Schoenfeld. He then entered the New England Conservatory Preparatory Program to study with Mark Churchill before attending the Juilliard School. Nan-Cheng is currently a doctoral candidate at CUNY Graduate Center under the guidance of cellist Marcy Rosen while developing a full-time international musical career.

Nan-Cheng’s recent musical season highlights include sold-out recitals at Taiwan’s National Concert Hall and National Taichung Theatre. He collaborated with the Vienna International Orchestra, performing Vivaldi’s Cello Concerto, RV401, and made multiple appearances at New York’s Madison Square Garden and the Mets Stadium, performing the U.S. National Anthem. His album release with the New Asia Chamber Music Society, featuring works by Mozart, Dvořák, and Shih-Hui Chen, earned two nominations at the 2022 Golden Melody Awards. Since 2019, Nan-Cheng has been teaching and performing at Austria’s Altenburger Musik Akademie every summer.


