姓名: | 周潤瑩 Jun-Ying Chou |
經歷: |
周潤瑩 Jun-Ying Chou 周潤瑩,臺南市人,現任臺中家商專任教師。自四歲開始學習鋼琴,並在即興活動中展露對作曲的興趣。小學與國中在校內樂團擔任長笛手,高中時考進臺南女中音樂班開始主修作曲至今。 就讀臺灣師範大學時,師從蕭慶瑜教授,並在2010年以書券獎第一名畢業。同年考取國立臺北藝術大學音樂系碩士班榜首,師從楊聰賢教授。2013年以一系列的跨領域藝術創作及相關論文畢業。2019年重返北藝大攻讀博班,曾師從陳立立教授,現師從林梅芳教授。 2022年以管絃樂曲《愴》參與NSO一分鐘交響計劃,並擔任首次音樂會作品發表。前年以「我把藝術品變現/線了」教案獲得創新教學銅質獎;今年甫獲博班候選人資格,目前仍致力於音樂與舞蹈的跨領域藝術創作之研究。 Jun-Ying Chou, born in Tainan City, is currently a full-time teacher at TCHCVS. She began studying piano at 4 and showed her interest in composition during improvisational activities. She served as a flute player in the school band in elementary school and junior high school. In high school, she was admitted to the music program of TNGS and has been majoring in composition ever since. While she was studying in NTNU, she studied under Professor Hsiao Ching-Yu and graduated in 2010 with the first place. In the same year, she was admitted as the top-ranked student to the master's program of the Music Department of the TNUA and studied under Professor Tsung-Hsien Yang. After she graduated in 2013 with a series of cross-disciplinary arts and thesis, she returned to TNUA to study for a PhD in 2019. She once studied under Professor Lily Chen and now studies under Professor Mei-fang Lin. In 2022, she participated in the NSO One-Minute Symphony Project with “Trauma” and served as the first concert composer. The year before last, she won the Bronze Award for Innovative Teaching with the lesson "I Turned Artwork into Money and Electricity". This year, she recently earned her PhD candidacy and is currently dedicated to the research of cross-disciplinary art about music and dance. 【參賽作品】念唸‧唸念 Echoes of Your Nagging, Whispers of My Longing 本曲名為《念唸‧唸念》,主要包含「思念」和「叨唸」之意。筆者將此二化為聲音及詩詞,各段的象徵與情境如以下所示,也代表著對先妣的紀念: 念唸 念紀您擔憂中的唸記 藥師佛的密麻經文 去掉了繁褥複節 唸念 The title of this piece is “Echoes of Your Nagging, Whispers of My Longing”, which primarily encompasses the meanings of "longing" and "nagging." I have transformed these two concepts into sound and poetry. The symbols and scenarios in each section are as follows. They also represent a memorial to my late mother.
Echoes of your nagging, whispers of my longing. The densely packed motet of Medicine Buddha recited the lament that my heart can't help but cry like a kid. Comlex etiquettes and complicated customs were removed. Whispers of my longing, echoes of your nagging. |