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姓名: 盧易之 Yi-Chih Lu

盧易之 Yi-Chih Lu

"盧(易之)的演奏技巧霸氣又流暢,無時無刻呈現出優美音色,最重要的是傳遞了深刻的情感......" 弗蘭克.戴金《紐約音樂會評論》




早年以高超琴藝獲得肯定,臺灣鋼琴家 盧易之 近來廣伸觸角,成為集演奏、編寫、創作本事於一身的全方位音樂家,並將所學所能回饋臺灣,成為臺灣經典作品的重要詮釋者。

盧易之在2022年登上美國卡內基廳舞台,精湛的演出讓當地樂評熱淚盈眶,讚曰「對技術的精準掌握成就了令人神魂顛倒的抒情敘事能力」,而他的琴藝早於2012年即以《My Chopin; My Brahms》專輯獲得金曲獎傳統暨藝術音樂類最佳演奏獎的肯定,同時期為德國作曲家貝姆(Adolph Kurt Böhm)錄下的三張《貝姆鋼琴作品集》也獲巴伐利亞古典音樂電台極高評價。除了演出歐美曲目,盧易之也是臺灣音樂的重要推手,早年錄有陳泗治鋼琴作品專輯《台灣素描》、洪綺蓮鋼琴作品集,近年更參與了「頌.台灣樂 郭芝苑百年誕辰音樂會」、「上帝與家園的浪漫-陳泗治逝世三十週年音樂會」演出,精彩呈現臺灣作曲家經典作品。




歷年曾合作的指揮有: 準.馬寇爾、根特.赫比希、Karen Kamensek、Dorin Frandes、Ulrich Riehl、茂木大輔、呂紹嘉、廖國敏、簡文彬、張宇安、吳曜宇、舒馬富斯、李哲藝等人。另曾與蘇顯達、林品任、魏靖儀、秦立巍、希斯金、嚴俊傑…等優秀音樂家同台。



A triple threat - virtuosic pianist, skilled arranger & composer

“Mr. Lu plays with magisterial fluency of technique, beautiful tone at all times, and most importantly a deep passionate emotional involvement…” by Frank Daykin of New York Concert Review

”Lu musizierte filigran und musikalisch, und phrasierte mit glasklarer Brillanz.”Allgäuerzeitung

(“LU plays sophisticatedly and musically, and phrasing with crystal clear brilliance”)

“…Yichih LU had the speed, dexterity and sense of devilish fun for Liszt’s Grandes Etudes de Paganini Nos. 5 and 6” South Florida Classical Review

Recognized as a virtuosic performer during early stage of his career, Taiwanese pianist Yi-Chih LU has explored the realms of arranging and composing in recent years, meanwhile, championed the works of prestigious Taiwanese composers.

Yi-Chih LU made his New York recital debut at Carnegie Hall in 2022 and the performance was praised by the local critic as having “[The] sweeping sense of lyricism that was enabled by the sureness of his technique…” LU’s virtuosity was recognized by music enthusiasts as early as 2012 when he was awarded The Best Instrumental Performance by the Golden Melody Award (the Taiwanese GRAMMYs) with his solo album My Chopin; My Brahms, and around the same period, his recordings of Kurt Böhm’s piano works were highly praised by Bayern 4 Klassik. In addition to the Western repertoire, LU is a champion of Taiwanese composers, dedicating his skill and musicality to their works. He had recorded full albums of piano pieces by Su-Ti CHEN (Taiwan Sketches) and Chi-Lien HUNG during the beginning of his career and in recent years was invited to perform at The Resonance of Taiwan – KOU Chih Yuan’s 100th Anniversary Concert, as well as Love for God and Homeland - CHEN Su-ti Memorial Concert, as a faithful interpreter of the composers’ seminal works.

Started as a musical hobby, Lu is now a skilled arranger. Fashion after the method best advocated by Franz Liszt, LU breathes new lives into Taiwanese folk songs by transforming them into pianistic arrangements with dramatic effects. Sheet music of said arrangements had been published since 2014 and in 2016 an album of his better-known works Zongzi was released. LU’s rendition of Taiwanese folk songs are so popular that they become an essential part of his repertoire and his version of ‘Peach Blossom Takes the Ferry’ has received 300,000 views on Youtube. In 2021, LU’s arrangement of another Taiwanese classic "Longing for Your Early Return" ("bāng-lí-tsá-kui") for string quartet and soprano voice was awarded by the New Taipei City Culture Foundation.

To push himself further, LU tries his hand at composing. He has been commissioned to set several works of Taiwanese poets into music, shared credit for the song “Wake Up” which won the "Hakka Melody Award" in 2022, and his work for equal voice chorus “Cabbage” has won the Sing for Love composition competition hosted by Taipei Chamber Singers.

Based in Taiwan, Yi-Chih LU has performed overseas in 45 cities in Europe, US, and Asian countries, on the stage of important venues such as Carnegie Hall in New York, Musikverein in Vienna, Berliner Philharmonie, and major concert halls in Salzburg, Stuttgart, Munich…etc. He has appeared with Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, Orchester BerlinClassicPlayers, Arad State Philharmonic, Seattle Festival Orchestra, Sendai Citizen Symphony Orchestra, National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (NTSO), Taipei Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Chinese Orchestra, Taiwan Philharmonic (NSO), OneSong Orchestra, and Evergreen Symphony Orchestra.

LU has worked with conductors: Jun Märkl, Günther Herbig, Gernot Schmalfuss, Karen Kamensek, Dorin Frandes, Daisuke MOGI, Shao-Chia Lü, Wen-Pin CHIEN, Kuokman LIO, Yu-An Chang, Che-Yi Lee, collaborated with outstanding musicians: Richard LIN, Wlliam WEI, Shien-Ta SU, Li-Wei QIN, Dmitry Shishkin, Chun-Chieh YEN.

Born in Taipei, Yi-Chih LU studied music at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna and received the ‘Cziffra Prize’ in recognition of his exceptional performance. He later received Konzertexamen from the University of the Arts Berlin and won 13 top prizes in international competitions such as Sendai and J.N. Hummel. LU is currently an assistant professor in the music department and director of the Center for Teaching and Learning in Taipei National University of the Arts.

備註: 2021/22