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姓名: 大衛.胡斯 David Hoose

大衛.胡斯 David Hoose

大衛·胡斯是兩個樂團的名譽音樂總監–Collage New Music of Boston以及Cantata Singers & Ensemble,他為前者擔任音樂總監指揮的時間長達33年、後者37年;他也是波士頓大學的榮譽教授,曾任該校音樂學院管弦樂團事務主任,並執教了29年的指揮教學。曾擔任佛羅里達–塔哈拉西交響樂團的音樂總監,長達11個樂季。

曾擔任聖路易交響樂團(St. Louis Symphony)、猶他交響樂團(Utah Symphony)、芝加哥愛樂樂團(Chicago Philharmonic)、中國國家交響樂團(China National Symphony Orchestra)、新加坡交響樂團(Singapore Symphony Orchestra)、韓國廣播交響樂團(Korean Broadcasting Symphony)以及托斯卡納管弦樂團(義大利)(Orchestra Regionale Toscana (Italy))等樂團的客座指揮。在波士頓時,也以客座指揮身分與伊曼紐音樂(Emmanuel Music)以及普羅亞特室內樂團(Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra)合作,並為韓德爾與海頓協會(Handel & Haydn)、後灣合唱團(Back Bay Chorale)、音樂合唱團(Chorus pro Musica)、以及波士頓交響室內樂團(Boston Symphony Chamber Players)擔任指揮。他也曾擔任美蘇節日管弦樂團(American-Soviet Festival Orchestra)、萊辛頓交響樂團(麻州)(Lexington Symphony (MA))、新罕布夏州交響樂團(Symphony New Hampshire)、奧爾巴尼交響樂團(喬治亞州)(Albany Symphony (GA))、四城交響樂團(愛荷華州)(Quad City Symphony Orchestra (IA))、紐澤西州六月歌劇節(June Opera Festival of New Jersey)、安娜堡交響樂團(密西根州)(Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra (MI) )、卡尤加室內樂團(紐約)(Cayuga Chamber Orchestra (NY))、納舒亞交響樂團(新罕布夏州)(Nashua Symphony Orchestra (NH))以及波士頓莎士比亞劇團(Boston Shakespeare Company)的客座指揮。以客座指揮身分參加在檀格塢(Tanglewood)、摩納德納克(Monadnock)、威爾布克(Warebrook)以及新罕布夏舉辦的音樂節,並以客座指揮身分與新音樂樂團恐龍室內樂團(Dinosaur Annex)、弗朗姆室內樂團(Fromm Chamber Players)、歐羅現代室內樂團(Auros)、模仿合奏團(Mimesis Ensemble)以及艾利亞三室內樂團(Alea III)合作。除了上述樂團,也與其他各類樂團攜手完成數百場世界以及美國首演。

大衛·胡斯榮獲迪岑指揮獎美國音樂創新獎(Ditson Conductors Award for the Advancement of American Music)、新英格蘭合唱藝術新英格蘭派特森終身成就獎(Choral Arts New England Alfred Nash Patterson Lifetime Achievement Award)以及ASCAP/美國合唱團獎創新節目獎(ASCAP/Chorus America Award for Adventurous Programming)。2017年,捷克共和國授予胡斯(Hoose)先生揚·馬薩里克榮譽銀勳章(Silver Jan Masaryk Honorary Medal),表彰「(他)讓更多美國人認識捷克作曲家揚·迪斯馬斯·澤倫卡(Jan Dismas Zelenka)的音樂」。同年,為表彰「大衛·胡斯(David Hoose)對波士頓乃至世界音樂界做出的巨大貢獻」,波士頓市宣布11月3日為「大衛·胡斯日(David Hoose Day)」,2004年4月,為表彰大衛·胡斯對塔哈拉西市以及當地文化生活的付出,塔哈拉西市市宣佈「大衛·胡斯周(David Hoose Week)」。因其指揮造詣以及法國號演奏,《波士頓環球報》將胡斯(Hoose)先生評選為1986年的「年度音樂家」。他也以法國號演奏家的身分與艾曼紐木管五重奏(Emmanuel Wind Quintet)共同於獲得1981年的納姆伯格室內音樂獎(Walter W. Naumburg Award for Chamber Music)。

在教學方面,曾數度擔任伊士曼音樂學院 (Eastman School of Music)、新英格蘭音樂學院(New England Conservatory)以及曼哈頓音樂學院(Manhattan School of Music)的客座指揮。他也曾擔任南加大音樂學院(University of Southern California School of Music)、萊斯大學牧人音樂學院(Shepherd School of Music at Rice University)、威斯康辛大學白水分校(University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)以及艾克朗大學(俄亥俄州)(University of Akron (OH) )的客座指揮。他擔任波士頓大學檀格塢學院青年藝術家管弦樂團(Young Artists Orchestra of the Boston University Tanglewood Institute)指揮的時長超過20個夏季,除此之外也曾在隆基音樂學院(麻薩諸塞州)(Longy School of Music (MA) )、布蘭戴斯大學(麻薩諸塞州)(Brandeis University (MA) )、蘋果山室內音樂中心(新罕布夏州)(Apple Hill Center for Chamber Music (NH) ),以及玫瑰城國際指揮工作坊(奧勒岡州)(Rose City International Conducting Workshop (OR) )授課。

新世界唱片(New World)、阿爾巴尼唱片(Albany)、諾斯內奇唱片(Nonesuch)、科赫國際(Koch International)、德洛斯唱片(Delos)、CRI、阿爾西斯唱片(Arsis)、米堤(Métier)、奧爾巴尼唱片(Albany),以及槍瑪唱片(Gun-Mar)都曾發行由大衛·胡斯與拼貼新音樂、清唱劇聖歌與管弦樂團等樂團合作錄製的唱片。他與拼貼新音樂合作錄製的約翰·哈伯森(John Harbison)的《蒙塔萊經文歌》(Mottetti di Montale)獲得了格萊美獎「最佳小團體錄音(有指揮或無指揮)」的提名。

大衛·胡斯(David Hoose)在歐柏林音樂學院(Oberlin Conservatory of Music)師從理查·霍夫曼(Richard Hoffmann)以及華特·阿沙芬堡(Walter Aschaffenburg)並且在布蘭戴斯大學師從阿瑟·貝格爾(Arthur Berger)以及哈羅德·夏皮洛(Harold Shapereo)學習作曲。法國號方面,他師從貝瑞·塔克威(Barry Tuckwell)(倫敦交響樂團法國號首席、國際獨奏家)、約瑟夫·辛格(Joseph Singer)(紐約愛樂法國號首席)、理查德·麥基(Richard Mackey)(波士頓交響樂團),以及羅伯特·傅萊斯(Robert Fries)(費城交響樂團以及歐柏林音樂學院)。指揮方面,他在檀格塢音樂中心師從古斯塔夫·邁爾(Gustav Meier),並以指揮研究員(Conducting Fellow)身分獲得季米特里斯·米特羅普洛斯獎(Dmitri Mitropolous Award)。


David Hoose is Music Director Emeritus of two organizations—Collage New Music of Boston (which he led for thirty-three years), and Cantata Singers & Ensemble (which he led for thirty-seven years); and he is Professor Emeritus at Boston University, where he was the School of Music’s Director of Orchestral Activities and taught conducting for twenty-nine years. For eleven seasons, he was also Music Director of the Tallahassee Symphony Orchestra in Florida.

Mr. Hoose has appeared as guest conductor with the St. Louis Symphony, Utah Symphony, Chicago Philharmonic, China National Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Korean Broadcasting Symphony, and Orchestra Regionale Toscana (Italy), among others. In Boston, Mr. Hoose appeared as regular guest conductor with Emmanuel Music and with Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra, and he has conducted the Handel & Haydn, Back Bay Chorale, Chorus pro Musica, and the Boston Symphony Chamber Players. He has also been guest conductor with the American-Soviet Festival Orchestra, Lexington Symphony (MA), Symphony New Hampshire, Albany Symphony (GA), Quad City Symphony Orchestra (IA), June Opera Festival of New Jersey, Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra (MI), Cayuga Chamber Orchestra (NY), Nashua Symphony Orchestra (NH), and the Boston Shakespeare Company. He has appeared as guest conductor at the Tanglewood, Monadnock, Warebrook, and New Hampshire music festivals, and he has guest conducted the new music ensembles Dinosaur Annex, Fromm Chamber Players, Auros, Mimesis Ensemble, and Alea III. With these and other ensembles, Mr. Hoose has led hundreds of World Premieres and First American Performances.

Mr. Hoose is recipient of the Ditson Conductors Award for the Advancement of American Music, Choral Arts New England Alfred Nash Patterson Lifetime Achievement Award, and the ASCAP/Chorus America Award for Adventurous Programming. In 2017, the Czech Republic presented Mr. Hoose with the Silver Jan Masaryk Honorary Medal, awarded “for [his] role in raising the profile of Czech composer Jan Dismas Zelenka’s music in the United States.” The same year, the City of Boston proclaimed November 3 as “David Hoose Day,” for his “enormous contribution to the musical community both here in Boston and around the world,” and in April 2004, the City of Tallahassee proclaimed “David Hoose Week,” for his service to the cultural life of that city and region. The Boston Globe named Mr. Hoose “Musician of the Year” in 1986, for his performances as conductor and horn player.  As hornist with the Emmanuel Wind Quintet, he was also co-winner of the 1981 Walter W. Naumburg Award for Chamber Music.

As an educator, Mr. Hoose has been guest conductor several times each at the Eastman School of Music, New England Conservatory, and the Manhattan School of Music. He has also been guest conductor at the University of Southern California School of Music, Shepherd School of Music at Rice University, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, and University of Akron (OH). For more than twenty summers, he was a conductor of the Young Artists Orchestra of the Boston University Tanglewood Institute, and he has served on the faculties of the Longy School of Music (MA) Brandeis University (MA), Apple Hill Center for Chamber Music (NH), and the Rose City International Conducting Workshop (OR).

Mr. Hoose’s recordings with Collage New Music, Cantata Singers, and other enembles appear on the New World, Albany, Nonesuch, Koch International, Delos, CRI, Arsis, Métier, Albany, and Gun-Mar labels. His recording of John Harbison’s Mottetti di Montale, with Collage New Music, was a Grammy Nomination for “Best Recording with Small Ensemble, With or Without Conductor.”

David Hoose studied composition at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music with Richard Hoffmann and Walter Aschaffenburg, and at Brandeis University with Arthur Berger and Harold Shapereo. He studied horn with Barry Tuckwell (principal horn, London Symphony Orchestra, and international soloist), Joseph Singer (prinicpal horn, New York Philharmonic), Richard Mackey (Boston Symphony Orchestra) and Robert Fries (Philadelphia Orchestra and Oberlin Conservatory). His conducting studies were with Gustav Meier at the Tanglewood Music Center, where, as a Conducting Fellow, Mr. Hoose was winner of the Dmitri Mitropolous Award.

This is Mr. Hoose’s third appearance with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra.


備註: 2024/25