Number of Sessions | Venue | Musician/Performer |
2023/06/17(六)19:30國立臺灣交響樂團演奏廳 | 國立臺灣交響樂團演奏廳 NTSO Concert Hall |
水藍 Lan Shui
2023/06/18(日)14:30國家音樂廳 | 國家音樂廳 National Concert Hall |
水藍 Lan Shui
2023/06/21(三)19:30衛武營國家藝術文化中心音樂廳 | 衛武營國家藝術文化中心音樂廳 Weiwuying |
水藍 Lan Shui
1. 最高票價區(6/17臺中場1000元區、6/18臺北場及6/21高雄場1500元區)享「青年席位300元」優惠(可於最高票價區自行選位,售完為止)。
2. 不限票價6折優惠(100元票區除外)。
2023/02/17啟售,首5日(02/17-02/21)NTSO 2022/23 VIP限定,02/22全面啟售。*成為NTSO VIP請點擊了解詳情
★NTSO 2022/23 VIP:鑽石卡享7折,金卡享8折。
Peak Masterpiece: Mahler No. 9 - Lan Shui & NTSO
2023/06/17(六)19:30 國立臺灣交響樂團演奏廳(臺中市霧峰區中正路738-2號)
2023/06/17(Sat.)19:30 NTSO Concert Hall
2023/06/18(日)14:30 國家音樂廳(臺北市中山南路21-1號)
2023/06/18(Sun.)14:30 National Concert Hall
2023/06/21(三)19:30 衛武營國家藝術文化中心音樂廳(高雄市鳳山區三多一路1號)
2023/06/21(Wen.)19:30 Concert Hall of National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying)
G. Mahler: Symphony No. 9 in D Major
臺中場 NT 300、500、800、1000
臺北場&高雄場 NT 300、500、800、1000、1500
成為NTSO 2022/23 VIP(請點擊)
NTSO YouTube (超過760萬瀏覽次數)
Starting with Beethoven, composers began to produce lesser symphony compositions, yet the works became longer and more intricate. And when it comes to symphony composition, there is the so-called “Curse of the 9th”: if the composer’s ability improves with each symphony, then by the time they write their ninth symphony, it usually means the composer has learned the ultimate truth. If allowed to continue to create music, they will expose the secrets of the heavens and thus has to be “recalled”.
Of course, there are exceptions to the Curse. However, if the composer does not have better creations than their ninth symphony, then the world would consider their ninth as the peak of their composition and life. Is this fair? Come experience Mahler’s Symphony No. 9 in D Major presented by NTSO and conductor Lan Shui at Taipei, Taichung, or Kaohsiung, and decide for yourself.
Mahler worked on “Das Lied von der Erde” and Symphony No. 9 in D Major at the same time. "Das Lied von der Erde" combines orchestral music with vocals while Symphony No. 9 is purely orchestral music. Maybe we can catch a glimpse of Mahler’s thoughts on the end of life through these two different forms.
“Das Lied von der Erde” ends with “The Farewell” as the final movement and concludes with a fading “forever”. The fourth movement of Mahler’s Symphony No. 9 is a “very slowly and held back” adagio. In the end, the music fades away into silence, there is no joy of redemption, no passionate emotions, and no heart-wrenching sorrow. Only a sense of indifference of returning everything to heaven and earth - yet the composer is not completely at peace. In the second movement, Mahler wrote a lively Ländler which becomes distorted to a point that it no longer resembles a dance, and the rondo in the third movement is even more confusing. Wishing to express the idea of “this world must include everything”, Mahler used the double-fugue technique to control the chaos and managed to maintain the integrity of the composition.