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【就是那個光 Getting NTM】本館參觀指引 Self-Guided Tour

Event Information
1908年成立的國立臺灣博物館擁有12萬件典藏, 本參觀指引能帶您一次完整欣賞到這座全臺最古老博物館裡的重要寶藏。 臺博館本館本身就是個巨大的珍寶盒,歡迎有時間駐足瞭解、自行探索這座島嶼上精彩的自然與人文。
Event Details

參觀指引 Self-Guided Tour  

請點選圖片查看指引地圖 Download the Map (JPG) ▲

所需參觀時間 Hours:約90分鐘(1.5H)

參觀動線 Start your explore in Main Building

一樓大廳 1F Lobby → 中央樓梯上二樓 Central Staircase to the 2F Left Wing 〈博物臺灣〉常設展自然廳 Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition→東側樓梯上三樓 East Staircase to the 3F 〈發現臺灣〉常設展 3F“Discovering Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition 西側樓梯下二樓 West Staircase to the 2F 二樓西側走廊 2F West Side Corridor 〈博物臺灣〉常設展人文廳 Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition

Must-See Treasures

1.【謬思之光 The Light of Muse彩色玻璃穹頂 Stained Glass Window at the Dome / 1F 大廳 Lobby

2.【史前巨獸 Prehistoric Monsters早坂犀牛 Hayasaka Rhinoceros / 2F 博物臺灣自然廳 Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition

3.【以臺為名 In the Name of Taiwan】臺灣穿山甲 Formosan Pangolin / 2F 博物臺灣自然廳Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition

4.【生機勃勃 The Vibrant Island蕨類王國 Kingdom of Ferns / 2F 博物臺灣自然廳 Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition

5.【人獸衝突 Human-wildlife Conflict臺灣獼猴 Formosan Macaque / 2F 博物臺灣自然廳 Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition

6.【博物年代 The Age of Naturalist船首像 The Figurehead / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition

7.【島嶼發現Discovering Taiwan臺灣小檗 Barberry (Berberis kawakamii) / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition

8.【千元國鳥 The Bird on NTD黑長尾雉 Mikado Pheasant / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition

9.【神秘礦石 The Secrect Stone北投石 Hokutolite / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition

10.【無價之寶 Priceless Treasure珠衣 The Shell-beaded Clothing / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition

11.【過去未來 The Past is the Future】臺灣雲豹 Formosan Clouded Leopard / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition

12.【人物刻畫 Character Image鄭成功畫像 The Portrait of Koxinga / 2F 博物臺灣人文廳 Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition

13.【古老地圖 The Oldest Map】康熙臺灣輿圖 The Map of Taiwan under Kangxi Emperor’s Reign / 2F 博物臺灣人文廳Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition

14.【日夜守護 One Flag, Two Tigers臺灣民主國黃虎旗 The Yellow Tiger Flag of the Republic of Formosa / 2F 博物臺灣人文廳Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition

15.【神靈世界 Spirit World排灣族占卜道具箱 The Carved Wooden Box for Divination of the Paiwan Peoples / 臺灣四季Taiwan Four Seasons: Annual Festivals / 2F博物臺灣人文廳Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition

16.【臺灣之光 Made in Taiwan】臺灣製造 Natural / Culture MIT / 2F 博物臺灣自然、人文廳 Nature & Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition



為維持參觀品質,入館請遵守博物館參觀禮節 ,謝謝您的配合:

  • 館內請勿飲食(含飲水、口香糖及檳榔)
  • 瓶裝水及雨傘需收進背包
  • 禁止跑跳及喧嘩
  • 攝影禁用閃光燈及腳架
  • 本博物館為法定古蹟,請勿破壞遵守館方人員指示及說明


  • No smoking, drinking or eating in the Museum; drinking and eating is only allowed in the food and beverage service area.
  • No dangerous items or combustible materials are allowed in the Museum.
  • Please purchase admission tickets. For official purposes, please visit the administration building of National Taiwan Museum.
  • Visitors with improper attire or pets (exception of guide dogs for the blind) are prohibited.
  • No flash and camera supports for photography; any commercial use or publication of the images is prohibited.
  • Audio guided tour is available for the visually-impaired visitors at Natural History Branch.


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Attachment(s) Description of Attachment(s)
本館參觀指引 Self-Guided Tour Map 本館參觀指引 Self-Guided Tour