參觀指引 Self-Guided Tour
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所需參觀時間 Hours:約90分鐘(90min)
參觀動線 Start your explore in Main Building:
一樓大廳 1F Lobby → 中央樓梯上二樓 Central Staircase to the 2F Left Wing →〈博物臺灣〉常設展自然廳 Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition→東側樓梯上三樓 East Staircase to the 3F →〈發現臺灣〉常設展 3F“Discovering Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition → 西側樓梯下二樓 West Staircase to the 2F → 二樓西側走廊 2F West Side Corridor →〈博物臺灣〉常設展人文廳 Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition
★ Must-See Treasures ★ 1.【謬思之光 The Light of Muse】彩色玻璃穹頂 Stained Glass Window at the Dome / 1F 大廳 Lobby 2.【史前巨獸 Prehistoric Monsters】早坂犀牛 Hayasaka Rhinoceros / 2F 博物臺灣自然廳 Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition 3.【以臺為名 In the Name of Taiwan】臺灣穿山甲 Formosan Pangolin / 2F 博物臺灣自然廳Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition 4.【生機勃勃 The Vibrant Island】蕨類王國 Kingdom of Ferns / 2F 博物臺灣自然廳 Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition 5.【人獸衝突 Human-wildlife Conflict】臺灣獼猴 Formosan Macaque / 2F 博物臺灣自然廳 Nature Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition 6.【博物年代 The Age of Naturalist】船首像 The Figurehead / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition 7.【島嶼發現Discovering Taiwan】臺灣小檗 Barberry (Berberis kawakamii) / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition 8.【千元國鳥 The Bird on NTD】黑長尾雉 Mikado Pheasant / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition 9.【神秘礦石 The Secrect Stone】北投石 Hokutolite / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition 10.【無價之寶 Priceless Treasure】珠衣 The Shell-beaded Clothing / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition 11.【過去未來 The Past is the Future】臺灣雲豹 Formosan Clouded Leopard / 3F 發現臺灣“Discovering Taiwan”Permanent Exhibition 12.【人物刻畫 Character Image】鄭成功畫像 The Portrait of Koxinga / 2F 博物臺灣人文廳 Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition 13.【古老地圖 The Oldest Map】康熙臺灣輿圖 The Map of Taiwan under Kangxi Emperor’s Reign / 2F 博物臺灣人文廳Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition 14.【日夜守護 One Flag, Two Tigers】臺灣民主國黃虎旗 The Yellow Tiger Flag of the Republic of Formosa / 2F 博物臺灣人文廳Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition 15.【神靈世界 Spirit World】排灣族占卜道具箱 The Carved Wooden Box for Divination of the Paiwan Peoples / 臺灣四季Taiwan Four Seasons: Annual Festivals / 2F博物臺灣人文廳Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition 16.【臺灣之光 Made in Taiwan】臺灣製造 Natural / Culture MIT / 2F 博物臺灣自然、人文廳 Nature & Culture Gallery of 2F “Exploring Taiwan” Permanent Exhibition |
為維持參觀品質,入館請遵守博物館參觀禮節 ,謝謝您的配合:
- 館內請勿飲食(含飲水、口香糖及檳榔)
- 瓶裝水及雨傘需收進背包
- 禁止跑跳及喧嘩
- 攝影禁用閃光燈及腳架
- 本博物館為法定古蹟,請勿破壞遵守館方人員指示及說明
- No smoking, drinking or eating in the Museum; drinking and eating is only allowed in the food and beverage service area.
- No dangerous items or combustible materials are allowed in the Museum.
- Please purchase admission tickets. For official purposes, please visit the administration building of National Taiwan Museum.
- Visitors with improper attire or pets (exception of guide dogs for the blind) are prohibited.
- No flash and camera supports for photography; any commercial use or publication of the images is prohibited.
- Audio guided tour is available for the visually-impaired visitors at Natural History Branch.
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Attachment(s) | Description of Attachment(s) |
本館參觀指引 Self-Guided Tour Map | 本館參觀指引 Self-Guided Tour |