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Guided Tours in Multiple Languages 博物館多語導覽活動
Session Information
Number of Sessions Venue
English Guided Tours on the Main Building Architecture and History [30 min]
日曆圖案 2024/06/02 14:00 ~ 2024/10/27 14:30
googleMap連結 NTM Main Building NTM International Docents
English Guided Tours on the Main Building Architecture and History [30 min]
日曆圖案 2024/06/02 14:00 ~ 2024/10/27 14:30
googleMap連結 NTM Main Building NTM International Docents
English Guided Tours on the Main Building Architecture and History [30 min]
日曆圖案 2024/07/14 15:00 ~ 2024/10/27 15:30
googleMap連結 NTM Main Building NTM International Docents
English Guided Tours on the Main Building Architecture and History [30 min]
日曆圖案 2024/12/15 14:00 ~ 2025/01/26 15:30
googleMap連結 臺博館本館 Main Building NTM International Docents
English Guided Tours on the Main Building Architecture and History [30 min]
日曆圖案 2024/12/15 14:00 ~ 2025/01/26 15:30
googleMap連結 臺博館本館 Main Building NTM International Docents
Thai (ไทย) Guided Tour on the Main Building Architecture and History [30 min]
日曆圖案 2024/12/29 10:30 ~ 2024/12/29 11:30
googleMap連結 Main Building of National Taiwan Museum 國立臺灣博物館-泰國籍新住民服務大使
Japanese (日本語) Guided Tour on the Main Building Architecture and History [30 min]
日曆圖案 2025/02/16 10:30 ~ 2025/02/16 11:30
googleMap連結 Main Building of National Taiwan Museum 國立臺灣博物館-日本籍新住民服務大使
Museum Tur dalam Bahasa Indonesia/Guided Tour on the Main Building Architecture and History [30 min]
日曆圖案 2025/02/16 14:30 ~ 2025/02/16 15:30
googleMap連結 Main Building of National Taiwan Museum 國立臺灣博物館-印尼籍新住民服務大使
Burmese (緬甸語) Guided Tour on the Main Building Architecture and History [30 min]
日曆圖案 2025/03/09 10:30 ~ 2025/03/09 11:30
googleMap連結 Main Building of National Taiwan Museum 國立臺灣博物館-越南籍新住民服務大使


Event Information
National Taiwan Museum now offers real-person guided tours to introduce its Main Building in multiple languages! The tours are for FREE. Scroll down to learn more...
Event Details

“A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.” ---International Council of Museums, 2022

National Taiwan Museum, as a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), abides by the values and aspirations shared in this community, including the latest definition of museums. Museums are obligated to strive for accessibility and inclusion for its audience. And one of the most effective efforts to create a friendly museum environment is to provide multilingual services. 

In addition to exhibitions introducing the cultural diversity of Taiwan, the Museum has been organizing docent training events for Taiwan's immigrants and international students since 2014 and 2015. Before the impact of COVID-19, the Museum was able to serve the audience of different backgrounds with guided tour service in their native languages on a weekly basis. However, between 2020 and 2022, under the impact of the pandemic, not only did the Museum cancel physical events including real-person guided tours, but also did Taiwan receive much less international visitors and volunteers. 

Now, we are excited to announce our comeback after the pandemic. More multilingual guided tours will resume. Please refer to the following information for the lastest schedule of the real-person multilingual guided tours.



Click on the languages to learn more!

English English Tour (including walking tours and Sunday regular tours)

日本語 Japanese 日本語ツアー

Bahasa Indonesia Tur bahasa Indonesia

Vietnamese Tour Tiếng Việt

Thai ทัวร์ ไทย (Tour Thai)

French Tours en Français

Spanish Tour en español

Takalog Filipino Tour

Italian Tour Italiano

Burmese  Museum Tour in Burmese 

Korean 한국어 투어

Dutch Nederlandse Tour



English Tour: "Blast to the Past: Walking Tour of Old Taipei"

THE THIRD SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH/ 09:20a.m.-12:30p.m.

■For more information pls go to: https://event.culture.tw/mocweb/reg/NTM/Detail.init.ctr?actId=40236

*Theme: The cultural landscape of the Walled City area of Taipei

A Qing dynasty gate right across a Western-looking building, a park with two names where Chinese pavilions and a neoclassical style Museum are separated by a Japanese pond...why is Taipei such a mix of different architectures, and what is the history behind them? What is the 228 incident, and why is it important in Taiwan's modern history? How did the most significant LGBT Pride Parade in Asia start?
Unravel the mystery in our monthly walking tour!

■Time: AM 9:20- 12:30 (3 hrs)
■Meeting Spot: North Gate- Beimen Post Office (台北市中正區忠孝西路一段120號)
■Fee: NT$50 regular; NT$25 discount.
■Online registration (20 persons) via google from : https://goo.gl/forms/DxSztE3ZPYmbt2I93

SUMMER SESSIONS(June, July, August)

■Time: AM 9:20- 12:00 (2.5 hrs)
■Meeting Spot: North Gate- Beimen Post Office (台北市中正區忠孝西路一段120號)
■Fee: NT$50 regular; NT$25 discount.
■Online registration (20 persons) via google from : https://goo.gl/forms/DxSztE3ZPYmbt2I93

Hyperthermia prevention measures:

  1. Remind the participants before the event to bring water and sun blocking equipement, like umbrella and hat.
  2. Stay in indoor, air-conditioned museum spaces for more than half of the event,
  3. Prevent staying outside for over 30 consecutive minutes if the air temperature exceeds 33°C(91.4°F); try to stay in shades as much as possible.
  4. Provide break time for audience to get hydrated and rest indoor. Water fountains are available inside the Museum.
  5. Participants may leave the event whenever they feel uncomfortable.
  6. NTU hospital is within walking distance.




English Tour: Guided Tours of the Main Building


*Theme: The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)
*Time: 14:00、15:00
*Duration: 20-30 minutes
*ONSITE Registration: Register before the tour at the information center.

For the English guided tours and docent training events, you may follow the latest information here: NTM Multilingual Tour






For the information concerning International Docent Training Program, please refer to the following page:




日本語ガイドツアー 公開 · 活動 · 新住民ボランティアガイドの日_国立臺灣博物館主催
 Date:  16th  February 2025- 1 SESSION/10:30-11:30 

*Theme: The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)

*Duration: 30 minutes
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information centre.








 Date: 16th  February 2025 - 1 SESSION/14:30-15:30 

Hari Miggul, Satu Kurus. Waktu: 14:30-15:30 

*Theme: The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum (1908) 

*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)

*Duration: 30 minutes
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information centre.  



Yet to be announced.

Time:  14:30-15:30  


*Theme : Kiến trúc và Lịch sử Bảo tàng Quốc Lập Đài Loan (The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum, 1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)

*Duration: 30 minutes
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information center.







  Date: 23rd  February 2025 - 1 SESSION/10:30-11:30 

เวลา: 10:30-11:30
สถานที่: เลขที่ ถนนเซียงย๋าง.เขตจงเจิ้นไทเป ( ใกล้สถานีรถไฟฟ้าโรงพยาบาลไถต้าทางออกหมายเลข4)
National Taiwan Museum provides 1 session of free Thai language tours at 10:30 am.
*Theme: Architecture and History of the National Taiwan Museum (1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)
*Duration: 30 minutes
*Fair: NT$30 for Entrance (+Free Museum Tour in Thai)
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information centre.

*Theme: The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)

*Duration: 20-30 minutes
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information center.




WEEKEND DAY - 2 SESSIONS/14.00, 15.00 

*Theme: The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)

Yet to be announced.

*Duration: 20-30 minutes
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information center.


Le Musée National de Taiwan propose 2 sessions gratuites de visite guidée en français.
Elles auront lieux respectivement à 14h10 et 15h10.
*Thème de la visite : Architecture et Histoire du Musée National de Taiwan (1908)
*Lieu : Centre d'information du bâtiment principal (No.2, Xiangyan Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)
*Durée : Environ 30 minutes
*Inscription sur place : Inscription avant la visite auprès du centre d'information







Date yet to be published-2 SESSIONS/14.00, 15.00

*Theme: The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)

*Duration: 20-30 minutes
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information center.







Date yet to be published-2 SESSIONS/14.00, 15.00

*Theme: The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)

*Duration: 20-30 minutes
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information center.







Date yet to be published-2 SESSIONS/14.00, 15.00 

*Theme: The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)

*Duration: 20-30 minutes
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information center.







SATURDAY- 2 SESSION/14.00, 15:00

*Theme: The Architecture and History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
*Venue: Information Center of NTM Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)

15th July 14:00, 15:00

*Duration: 30 minutes
*Onsite Registration: Register before the tour at the information center.



Thema: Architectuur en geschiedenis van het Nationaal Taiwan Museum (1908)

14th May 

*Locatie: NTM hoofdgebouw (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei 10046)
*Één sessie: 15.10
*Duur: 40 minuten
*Prijs: Gratis bij aankoop van een museumticket.

Inschrijving: Voor aanvangst van de tour in het informatiepunt in het hoofdgebouw.

Als eerste Nederlandse tour sinds de pandemie willen wij natuurlijk extra flair geven aan de gelegenheid, en houden wij onze tour in het weekend voor koningsdag. Hierbij zullen we de geschiedenis van het museum introduceren, de bijzonderheden van de architectuur bespreken en de thema's van de expositie "Discovering Taiwan" langsgaan. Hoewel de tour zelf gefocust is op de geschiedenis van het museum bespreken wij de gehele historische context, wat interessant is voor iedereen die meer over de geschiedenis van Taipei en Taiwan wilt leren.


COVID-19 bestrijdingsmaatregelen:
Maskers: Draag alstublieft een masker als u COVID-gerelateerde verschijnselen heeft. In andere gevallen is het dragen van een masker voor bezoekers niet verplict.
Het desinfecteren van de handen wordt bij binnenkomst aangeraden.


