Number of Sessions | Venue | Lecturer/Guest Speaker |
Recruitment for International Docents |
![]() |
Phaedra Fang |
Organizer : National Taiwan Museum; Co-organizer: National Development Council
Contact Us : Ms. Fang 02-23822699 #5466
Available Services : 導覽機組、開放攝影、服務諮詢、無線網路
The NTM International Docent Training Program aims to invite students to the English volunteer tour guide team of National Taiwan Museum and explore the rich culture and history of Taiwan. In this Program, you will be able to learn about the most iconic cultural heritage sites in downtown Taipei, and connect Taiwan's history with the landscape. You will find how historic architectures can be viewed as an expression of ideology, and how the modern Taiwanese society was shaped by the major historic events, and how your personal experience and culture can be incorporated into your own guided tours. What's more, it's also a great chance for you to meet people with different cultural backgrounds but with the same passion for museums and guided tours.
Guided tour events:
Media and reports:
- Podcast: 連俞涵主持EP.64│山羌閱覽室今天首次不聊書,訪問臺博館研究人員與策展人方慧詩,帶你穿越回到臺北城的過去 Apple Podcast- Spotify-
- PTS TV Show: "下課花路米Follow Me Go- Wonders of Museums S2" Episode 14: A Museum Where Landmarks Speak for Themselves: The National Taiwan Museum
**For more information about the program, please scroll down.
1. 培訓課程 Training Program
Date |
Time |
Agenda |
Venue |
Feb. 22nd SAT. |
09:00-09:20 |
Sign in |
3F West Classroom (自然教室) Main Building |
09:20-09:40 |
Introduction to NTM & the Program |
09:40-10:20 |
Self-introductions |
10:20-11:50 |
Guided Tour of the Main Building and Surrounding Landscape |
11:50-12:30 |
Group Discussions |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch break |
14:00-15:00 |
Group Presentation |
15:00-16:00 |
Lecture: How to Introduce Taiwan's Cultures and History |
16:00-16:30 |
Qualifications and Requirements |
Feb. 23rd SUN. |
09:30-10:10 |
Sign in |
3F West Classroom (自然教室) Main Building |
10:10-11:30 |
Stage I Qualification: Written Exam |
11:30-12:00 |
Result of the Written Exam |
12:00-13:30 |
Lunch Break |
13:30-14:00 |
Examples of the Stage II Qualifications |
14:00-16:00 |
Lecture: How to Deliver Guided Tours at the Museum? (1/2) |
16:00-16:30 |
Discussions |
Feb. 28th FRI. |
09:20-09:30 |
Sign in |
3F West Classroom (自然教室) Main Building |
09:30-10:20 |
Group Rehearsal on the Tour Relay |
10:20-12:30 |
Group Tour Relay on NTM; Audience Feedback |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00-15:00 |
Discussion on the Tour Relay |
15:00-16:00 |
Lecture: How to Deliver Guided Tours at the Museum? (2/2) | ||
16:00-16:30 |
Housekeeping Messages |
Mar. 1st SAT. |
08:30-09:00 |
Assembly |
Main Building Square (Outdoor) |
09:00-10:00 |
Traffic |
Offsite Excursion and Training: The Tea Town, Pinglin |
10:00-11:00 |
Guided Tour on the Tea Industry and the Town of Pinglin |
11:00-12:00 |
Lecture Focusing on Local Context |
12:00-14:00 |
Lunch and Group Discussion |
14:00-16:00 |
Group Presentation on Short Guided Tour Scripts |
16:00-17:00 |
Free Time |
Mar. 2nd SUN. |
09:30-10:00 |
Assembly |
Excursion to Puppetry Special Exhibition |
10:00-11:00 |
Guided Tour on Taiwanese Potehi (Hand Glove Puppet) |
11:00-12:30 |
Workshop: Handling the Puppets |
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch and Networking |

Special events
Multilingual tours (Japanese tour by Nana)
Feedback from docents
2. 服勤要求 Service Requirements
通過導覽驗收後,學員於 2025/03/03 至 2025/9/30 期間滿足16小時的下列服勤內容。
After passing the qualifications (written exams and trial tours), all students are required to fulfill a minimum service hours of 16 hours (between 3rd March 2025 and 30th September 2025) on the tasks listed below.
(1) 導覽 Guided tours
- 週日下午英語(或週六下午其他外語)定時導覽與觀眾訪問(13:30~16:30)
Sunday English regular tours (or Saturday multilingual tours) and visitor feedback study(13:30~16:30) - 每月第三個週日上午臺北城英語散步導覽(08:30~12:30)
- Monthly walking tour of old Taipei "Blast to the Past"(Saturday, 08:30~12:30)
(2) Feedback on the training 課程心得一篇。
Feedback on the training program, 300 words in English or 250 words in Chinese.
(3) Feedback on giving the guided tours 期末服勤心得一篇。
A final report to conclude your service and museum experience, 300 words in English or 250 words in Chinese.
All students docents need to be qualified before giving guided tours by 23 March, 2025.
3. 學員資格 Qualifications
- 語言能力:英文口說流暢,非母語人士需提供語言能力測驗成績(建議TOEFL iBT85分以上、IELTS6.5以上或全民英檢中高級通過;如欲報名踴躍則將依此成績標準篩選)。如為臺灣國內大專院校國際學生即可免提供英語檢定。
Fluent in English. Non-native speakers should provide English qualification results (TOEFL iBT 85 and above, IELTS overall 6.5 and above,) or proof of enrollment as a formal international student or exchange student in the universities of Taiwan. For the international students in the univerisities of Taiwan, the certificates of English proficiency are not mandatory. - 學術興趣或專長:文資保存、歷史、語言、博物館學、自然科學。
Academic interests or college major: heritage conservation, history, language and literature, museology and natural sicence.
- 個人特質:具服務熱忱、禮儀,樂於分享,對國際交流有熱情。
Personal characteristics: polite, passionate about customer service and sharing knowledge, enthusiastic about international activities.
- 預計招收15~35歲大專院校與高級中學在學學生、Gap year青年(畢業後一年內) 25名。海外大學來台研習華語的學生也歡迎~~~
Recruitment: 25 slots for graduate, undergraduate, high school or gap year students aged between 17 and 35. Oversea students at Mandarin learning centers are also welcome!- 如果線上報名系統收到超過25名合格的報名者,則將依報名順序錄取學員。
- If we receive more than 25 qualified online registrants, members will be enrolled in sequence.
- 所有申請者必須提交由其就讀學校的教師或工作單位主管開立之正式推薦信,推薦信內應包含推薦人之機構所屬單位、職稱、聯絡資訊及親筆簽名,以茲證明申請者之資格。All applicants must submit an official letter of recommendation from their current academic institution's faculty member or workplace supervisor, which shall include the recommender's institutional affiliation, position title, contact information, and authorized signature, to verify the applicant's eligibility.
4. 聯絡資訊 Contact Us
教育推廣組 方小姐
Education Department Ms. Fang (02)2382-2699#5466
5. 線上報名Online Registration: 🔗
Registration Deadline: Before Sunday, 16th Feburary, 17:30,GMT+8.
6. 培訓費用 Registration Fee:NT$300.- (文化幣OK!)
- 包含一年內臺博館四館門票(限本人使用) Including personal admission to all four branches within a year!
- 使用文化幣付款提供限量紀念品!Special sounvenir included when paying with Culture Points.
Attachment(s) | Description of Attachment(s) |
Training Schedule | The overall training lectures for the Class 2025 Spring |
Project plan (計畫書) | Details for the recruitment (本計畫相關細節) |