過去臺灣少有以「印記」為主的陶瓷展,故無形文化資產技藝保存者林瑞華,委託財團法人拓展文教基金會提出「臺灣印記特展」計畫,將以臺灣土生土長的陶瓷,有專屬「印記」的臺灣缸甕為主角,擬從南投陶、台中大甲東陶、新竹陶、苗栗陶、鶯歌陶,挑選出具有代表性的「印記」60件和印記工具10件展出,以深入淺出的「印記」角度切入,讓民眾對「Made in Taiwan」留下鮮明的深刻印象。
Few pottery and porcelain exhibitions focusing on "imprint" were held in Taiwan in the past. Lin Rui-hua, the preserver of intangible cultural assets and skills, commissioned the Foundation for Cultural and Educational Development to propose the plan of Taiwan Imprint Exhibition, which will feature Taiwan native pottery - Taiwan jars with unique "imprints". 60 representative pottery works and 10 tools with "imprints" from Nantou, East Dajia of Taichung, Hsinchu, Miaoli and Yingge will be selected for the exhibition to leave a distinctive impression on the public on "Made in Taiwan" from the perspective of "imprints" in a simple and understandable way.