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「2023 A+文化資產創意獎」競賽活動
Session Information
Number of Sessions Venue
日曆圖案 2023/10/06 09:00 ~ 2023/11/12 17:00
googleMap連結 B03藝文展覽館、B09雅堂館
日曆圖案 2023/10/07 09:00 ~ 2023/11/12 17:00
googleMap連結 中央廣場、文資大道
日曆圖案 2023/10/14 14:00 ~ 2023/10/14 20:30
googleMap連結 R04願景館
日曆圖案 2023/10/14 14:00 ~ 2023/10/14 20:30
googleMap連結 R04願景館
日曆圖案 2023/10/15 14:00 ~ 2023/10/22 15:30
googleMap連結 R04願景館
日曆圖案 2023/10/21 14:00 ~ 2023/10/28 15:30
googleMap連結 R04願景館


Event Information
「2023A+文化資產創意獎」由文化部文化資產局舉辦,全臺最具指標性的文化資產創意設計盛會,即日起至11 月12 日於文化部文化資產園區登場。
Event Details


The "2023A+ Cultural Heritage Creative Award " is organized by the The Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture and is the most iconic cultural heritage creative design event in Taiwan. It will take place from October 6th to November 12th at the Cultural Heritage Park of the Ministry of Culture.
The "2023A+ Cultural Heritage Creative Award " is the only nationwide competition with "cultural heritage" as theme. Through creative inspiration, it encourages creators to use cultural heritage elements to translate and interpret these elements with a modern design perspective. It aims to give cultural heritage a design application that aligns with contemporary life, and to achieve the sustainability and continuity of culture.

