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Event Information
國寶藝師王金櫻、小咪編導的爆笑青春喜劇《白賊七》要在大年初四跟大家見面了! The nationally treasured artist Wang Jin-ying and director Xiao Mi present the hilarious youth comedy "The Nasty 7," set to meet everyone on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.
Event Details


The nationally treasured artist Wang Jin-ying and director Xiao Mi present the hilarious youth comedy "The Nasty 7," set to meet everyone on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. Starring “National Treasure Cat Artists” Zhang Minjun, Zheng Ziyun, Guo Yuanyu, Lin Yuncheng, Wang Yuqian, Huang Weini, and others, the entire play is filled with laughter and humor, guaranteed to crack you up. After the performance, there will be a rewarding quiz, inviting fans and friends to challenge A-Qi for a chance to take home lucky red envelopes! Don't forget to mobilize the whole family and visit the park for the New Year!

