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Event Information
民權歌劇團基於保存歌仔戲傳統之目的,特別挑選此劇,並結合歌仔戲前後場介紹,以豐富趣味的方式與觀眾互動,帶領觀眾領略歌仔戲之美。 They enhance the experience by incorporating introductions to both the front and backstage aspects of opera, ensuring an interactive and entertaining presentation, and guiding the audience to appreciate the beauty of Taiwanese opera.
Event Details


The Minkuan Opera Troupe is a well-established Taiwanese opera troupe in the Taipei and New Taipei City area, with a heritage spanning nearly a century. Their performance " Shaking the Money Tree " draws inspiration from traditional folk tales, presenting a classic play with a light and natural style, delivering a compact yet amusing plot. Scheduled for the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, the performance is imbued with festive meaning, reflecting the kindness inherent in folk legends. The Minkuan Opera Troupe, dedicated to preserving the traditions of Taiwanese opera, deliberately chose this play.

