- Organizer : 尊任有限公司
《萬聖Trick or Treat‧文酷市集》將於10月12日至10月13日盛大舉行!萬聖節不給糖就搗蛋了嗎?來文酷市集一起玩耍吧! 台灣中部具有規模室內市集,讓你在氣溫三十幾度的高溫下,也可以舒服涼爽的逛市集!市集的攤位近百攤,種類也非常多元,像是文創品牌商品、手工藝品、服裝飾品、氣質香氛、手作甜點等等,讓你逛一個下午都逛不完!除此之外,在市集中還有許多DIY課程活動,讓大家除了逛市集之外還可以發揮自己的創意,製作出獨一無二的作品喔!希望大家可以利用休閒的假日時光,和朋友、家人出來散散步逛逛市集,在萬聖節這個特別的節日和文酷一起探索,也可以裝扮成喜歡的角色一起歡慶萬聖節!
“Trick or Treat‧respective stationery” will be held grandly from October 12th to October 13th! Join the fun at this indoor market in central Taiwan, where you can comfortably explore even in temperatures over thirty degrees Celsius. With nearly a hundred booths offering a diverse range of products like cultural and creative brand items, handmade crafts, fashion accessories, fragrances, desserts, and more, you won't finish browsing in just one afternoon! Enjoy DIY workshops to unleash your creativity and create unique pieces. Spend your leisure time on this special holiday weekend, strolling the market with friends and family. Celebrate Halloween at the Cool Market by dressing up and exploring together!