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萬眾矚目的「盛典宇宙」系列活動,即將在2024農曆新年來臨之際舉辦。 The highly anticipated " Galaxy Celebration" series of events is set to take place around the Lunar New Year of 2024.
Event Details



Tired of traditional New Year activities? The grandest nostalgic market in Taiwan is here! This event has attracted 250 brands, including 140 antique collectors (Antique Festival), 80 original brand artisans (Original Festival), and 30 spiritual masters (Mystical Festival). They will set up shop in the old distillery during the Lunar New Year. As a special addition, a "Flea Market Festival" flash event is scheduled for the first day of the holiday (2/08), warming up for the upcoming Lunar New Year festivities.

