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Event Details

本次博覽會以「勇鬥漫魂」為主題,展出台灣充滿勇氣及熱血的英雄漫畫;並邀請日本知名熱血動畫「火影忍者」、「FAIRY TAIL魔導少年」作曲家-高梨康治來台舉辦動漫音樂會,周末還有動漫講座、文創市集、cosplay快閃、聲優見面會等精彩活動,一起來動漫博覽會中獲得勇氣!相關訊息可追蹤「台中國際動漫博覽會」FB粉絲專頁。

Themed with "Fighting Spirit of Comics ", this expo presents Taiwan's heroic comics that are full of courage and hot blood. The expo has also invited Takanashi Yasuharu, the composer of the famous Japanese hot-blooded anime "Naruto" and "FAIRY TAIL" to Taiwan to hold an anime concert. In addition, there will be animation lectures, creative products market, cosplay flash mob, voice actor meet-and-greet and other wonderful activities on the weekend, so that everyone can come and get courage in the ACG expo! Related information on the expo is available on the Facebook fans page of the "Taichung Comic Animation Festival".

