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傳統建築彩繪乘載了信眾的祈望,更凝聚出土地的情感。 Polychrome painting in historical architecture carries the hopes of the worshippers and embodies the emotions of the land.
Event Details




Polychrome painting in historical architecture carries the hopes of the worshippers and embodies the emotions of the land.

This special exhibition presents the achievements of polychrome painting restoration by the Cultural Heritage Bureau of the Ministry of Culture over the past decade. It is divided into ten exhibition areas, each with different restoration themes and related artifacts. In addition to presenting the process of cultural heritage restoration, it also aims to reveal the original appearance of historical buildings in cultural heritage parks. The exhibition displays the harmonious coexistence of polychrome painting restoration exhibits and the cultural heritage environment, leading the audience to explore the transformation and interpretation of design. Through the perspectives of design transformation and interpretation, and through the lenses of history, aesthetics, and science, it seeks to extend the value of polychrome painting culture.

Preserving the old is an ongoing process that requires our collective attention and continuous care.

