Number of Sessions | Venue |
Organizer : 文化部文化資產局、臺南市美術館
Ticket Details : 免費
本展覽以品牌經營的角度出發,透過潘春源、潘麗水、潘瀛洲及潘岳雄等三代以來橫跨115 年的創作風華,一覽身兼民俗畫師與多重身分的跨界藝者們一生豐富多元的創作足跡,藉由豪門望族的宅邸門廳壁畫、廟宇門神彩繪、紙本人物山水畫與相關延伸藝品,使大眾得以更加了解民俗信仰背後的藝術性、商業性與獨特的審美交流趣味。
Starting from a perspective of brand management, the exhibition spans three generations, including Pan Chun-yuan, Pan Li-shui, Pan Ying-chou, and Pan Yueh-hsiung, showcasing their artistic brilliance over 115 years. It offers a comprehensive view of the diverse creation journey of these artists, who wore multiple hats as folk painters and cross-disciplinary creators throughout their lives. Featured with murals from the mansions of affluent families, temple deity paintings, traditional paper-based figure and landscape paintings, and related art pieces, the exhibition enables the public to gain a deeper understanding of the artistic, commercial, and unique aesthetic exchanges behind folk beliefs.
The main visual design is themed with the "Crescendo" notation in musical scores, symbolizing the growing spirit of the family brand. The Pan family is the leading and only existing family of temple painters in Taiwan. This exhibition not only showcases the creation achievements of the Pan family members but also presents cases of Pan family’s painting restoration. For example: the historical mural at Kaohsiung's Dai Tian Temple,the historical mural at Kaohsiung's Dai Tian Temple, which illustrates the entire process from creation to preservation and restoration of the paintings. The exhibition aims to increase public awareness of cultural heritage preservation and to encourage people to cherish our cultural assets.