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姓名: 馬蒂亞斯.赫夫斯 Matthias Höfs (19/20)

小號/馬蒂亞斯.赫夫斯 Matthias Höfs


他在漢堡音樂與戲劇大學的Peter Kallensee教授以及柏林愛樂卡拉揚學院的Konradin Groth教授門下接受了音樂教育。當他年僅18歲時,即在漢堡愛樂擔任獨奏小號,在那裡,他享受了16年迷人的歌劇世界。與此同時,赫夫斯成為德國銅管合奏團的成員,持續在全球享有成功的評價。自1985年首次舉辦聯合音樂會以來,他為自己和同事們編排了量身定制的曲目,這些曲目跨越了各種流派、風格,並持續激勵著銅管世界的可能性。赫夫斯一直表現出開拓的精神,通過與其他作曲家的密切合作,不斷擴大其樂器的視野,並感受到無比的精湛技藝與實驗碰撞的樂趣。

作為家鄉的德國北部的什勒斯維希-霍爾斯坦邦的「小號大使」,他與樂器製造商Max和Heinrich Thein保持密切合作。自2000年以來,赫夫斯一直在漢堡音樂與戲劇大學擔任教授,致力於激勵的學生了解如何傳遞自己對樂器的熱情。除了作為獨奏家和室內樂演奏家廣泛的音樂會演出外,赫夫斯也錄製了許多獨奏與重奏唱片,並與德國銅管合奏團共同製作了20多張錄音。 2016年10月,德國銅管合奏團被授予國際最重要的古典音樂獎項之一的古典回聲獎。

When he was six years old, Matthias Hoefs declared the trumpet “his instrument, because it shines so nicely”. He received his musical education from Professor Peter Kallensee at the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre, and from Professor Konradin Groth at the Karajan Academy of the Berlin hilharmonic Orchestra. When just 18 years of age, he was engaged as Solo-Trumpeter at the Philharmonic State Orchestra in Hamburg, where he enjoyed the fascinating world of opera for 16 years.

At the same time, Hoefs became a member of the GERMAN BRASS Ensemble, with whom he continues to achieve worldwide success. Since their first joint concert in 1985, he writes for himself and his  colleagues tailored arrangements which span more then one genre and continue to inspire the world of Brass. Matthias Hoefs has always shown a pioneering spirit, and thus has consistently widened the horizon of his instrument, either by close cooperation with other composers, who feel themselves inspired by his incomparable virtuosity and joy  of experimentation, or as “trumpet ambassador” in his home state of Schleswig- Holstein in northern Germany, or in cooperation with the instrument makers Max and Heinrich Thein. 

Since the year 2000, Matthias Hoefs has been teaching as Professor at the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre, were he inspires his students with great enthusiasm, knowing how to pass on his passion for his instrument. In addition to his extensive concert performances as solo-trumpeter and chamber musician, Hoefs has produced numerous Solo CDs, and jointly with GERMAN BRASS, more
than 20 recordings.

In October 2016 GERMAN BRASS was awarded with the ECHO Klassik – one of the
most outstanding awards for national and international musicians.