經歷: |

范楷西出生於中壢,國立台北藝術大學音樂系畢業,主修小提琴及指揮,師事蘇顯達及徐頌仁教授。 2010年負笈德國國立斯圖加特音樂院繼續深造指揮,2012年取得德國最高獨奏家文憑(博士學位)。赴德求學期間,曾經合作過的樂團包括斯圖加特愛樂、斯圖加特室內管弦樂團,海爾布隆室內管弦樂團,羅伊特林根愛樂,以及羅馬尼亞Craiova愛樂。曾於大師班跟隨Jorma Panula, Bernard Haitink , Jin Wang, Michael Dittrich, Günther Herbig und André de Quadros等大師學習。
2012年8月在布達佩斯Michael Dittrich指揮大師比賽表現特優,榮獲第一獎的殊榮。2013年9月在法國貝桑頌指揮大賽,從來自46國、296位參賽者中脫穎而出,進入最後五強。
曾任台北縣三和國中管樂團及台北市逸仙國小弦樂團指揮。2013-2014年擔任Jade Quartett 亞德弦樂四重奏中提琴手,2014-2015年任德國Collegium Artium Stuttgart 室內管弦樂團音樂總監。現任國立臺灣交響樂團助理指揮及國立台南藝術大學管弦樂團指揮。
Kai-Hsi Fan|Conductor
Kai-Hsi Fan was born in Taiwan 1983, where she began learning piano and violin at a young age. Fan received her Master’s in conducting at Taipei National University of the Arts with Prof. Sung-Jen Hsu and went on to further her studies in conducting with Prof. Per Borin at the Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart, Germany; where she received her Artist Diploma in 2012.
During her studies, she has conducted the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, Württembergische Chamber Orchestra Heilbronn, Württembergische Philharmonic Reutlingen, Stuttgart Philharmonic Orchestra, and Philharmonic Orchestra “Oltenia” Craiova (Romania). She has participated in the Conducting Masterclass by Jorma Panula, Bernard Haitink, Jin Wang, Günther Herbig, Michael Dittrich andAndré de Quadros.
In 2012 she won First Prize in the Conducting Competition and Masterclass by Michael Dittrich in Budapest, Hungary. She was a semi-finalist in the world renowned Besancon International Competition for Young Conductors in September 2013.
Kai-Hsi Fan was the violist of Jade Quartet in Stuttgart, Germany (2013/2014), Music Director of the Chamber Orchestra Collegium Artium Stuttgart (2014/2015 season). Currently, she is the assistant Conductor of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra and Conductor of Tainan National University of the Arts.