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姓名: 趙方豪 Fang-Hao Chao (20/21)

Baritone: Fang-Hao Chao

趙方豪,男中音,德國威瑪李斯特音樂學院最高演奏家演唱文憑。目前任教於東海大學音樂系。2014-2017 年參與創世歌劇團《波希米亞人》、《女人皆如此》、《卡門》製作,分別飾演畫家馬切洛、吉列莫、埃斯卡米諾,深獲好評。2016 年 8 月受吉隆坡城市歌劇公司邀請,參與其《波希米亞人》製作,再度飾演畫家馬切洛於吉隆坡演出;12 月與北市交合作,演出歌劇《聰明的女人》,飾演壞蛋二號。2017 年 6 月參與台北歌劇劇場歌劇製作《浮士德》於臺中國家歌劇院演出,飾演瓦倫丁;7 月參與國家交響樂團(NSO)普契尼歌劇三部曲製作,飾演《強尼.史基基》馬爾科。2018 年 2 月參與台北愛樂管絃樂團莫札特歌劇《女人皆如此》演出,再度飾演古列莫;6月於高雄春天藝術節歌劇製作《波希米亞人》,飾演音樂家蕭納;9月參與國立臺灣交響樂團《西城故事》,飾演幫派頭目瑞夫。2019年2月,參與 NSO 歌劇《托斯卡》,飾演教堂堂守及夏羅奈;10月參與台中歌劇院華格納歌劇《諸神黃昏》,飾演阿伯利希;12月參與NSO輕歌劇《風流寡婦》,飾演伯爵澤塔。2020年底將於台中歌劇院的《波希米亞人》製作中,再度飾演畫家馬切洛。

Baritone CHAO Fang-hao obtained his bachelor’s degree in Taipei with Prof. Ren Rong, and subsequently obtained his highest performance degree at the University of Music "Franz Liszt" in Weimar, Germany where he studied under Prof. Hans-Joachim Beyer. He won various international prizes notably the 2nd prize in the competition "Three centuries of classic romance" in St. Petersburg, Russia. Since 2010, he has made his appearance in numerous theatrical performances in Germany where he played the role Guglielmo in Mozart’s Cosi fan tutte with Jena Philharmonic. He also appeared as Uncle Fritz in Burkhard's Fireworks at Eisenach State Theatre, sang the role Frullo in Wacky Dido at Theater Bad Lauchstädt, the role Geronimo in "Il Matrimonio Segreto" at Theater Nordhausen with Nordhausen Orchestra in 2013, Belcore in L'elisir d'amore with Weimar Music Academy Orchestra in 2014. In Taiwan, he sang Marcello in Puccini's La bohème in 2015 and Guglielmo in Mozart's Così fan tutte in 2016. In June 2017, he performed as Valentin in Gounod's Faust at National Taichung Theater. In July 2017, he took part in Puccini's opera Il Trittico and as Marco in Gianni Schicchi. In November 2017, he sang in the production of Carmen as Escamillo. In February 2018, he sang the role Guglielmo again in Mozart's Così fan tutte with Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra. At Kaohsiung Spring Art Festival in June 2018, he played the musician Schaunard.in Puccini's La bohème. In February 2019, he sang Sacristan and Sciarrone in the production of Tosca.In October 2019, he performed as Alberich in Wagner's Götterdämmerung at National Taichung Theater. Then he took part in Die Lustige Witwe as Baron Mirko Zeta at the end of 2019. In December 2020, he sang the role Marcello again at National Taichung Theater .