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姓名: 范婷玉 Ting-Yu Fan (19/20)

次女高音/范婷玉 Ting-Yu Fan

先後畢業於國立藝術學院(今國立臺北藝術大學)音樂系、德國國立漢諾威音樂暨戲劇學院Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover,擁有該校聲樂教育、音樂會演唱及歌劇獨唱家共三項文憑。2006- 2009年受聘為奧地利林茲國家劇院 (Landestheater Linz) 歌劇合唱團之女中音聲部。2009年9月後返回台灣,多次受邀參加國家交響樂團、長榮交響樂團、台北愛樂文教基金會、臺北市立交響樂團及輔仁大學音樂系主辦之系列音樂會活動及歌劇演出;2013五月獲得輔仁大學音樂學系研究所演奏(唱)組博士學位,是臺灣音樂教育體制中,在地培養出的第一位臺灣聲樂博士。


Ting-Yu FAN received the title of Bachelor of Fine Arts at the National Institute of the Arts (now National Taipei University of Arts), where she majored in Voice. And then she continued her study and completed her degrees majoring in Voice, Vocal Education and Opera Performance at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover in Germany. During 2006 - 2009, Fan has developed her career as a choir singer at Landestheater Linz, Austria. At the same time she frequently sang in concerts and operas in Germany, Austria and Taiwan. She earned the title of Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) at the Department of Music of Fu Jen Catholic University in May 2013. Currently she is working Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Music of Fu Jen University, Taipei National University of the Arts and National Tsing Hua University. She works as an individual tutor for singing, as well as German Diction, Phonetics and Lieder Repertoire.