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姓名: 陳靄齡 Eileen Chen(18/19)

陳靄齡 Eileen Chen

自幼熱愛音樂與舞蹈。自小學起就讀華德福學校至高中畢業,12年間每年皆參與音樂、戲劇相關演出。高中時曾參與演出音樂劇The Story of Ataban(阿塔幫的故事),及舞台劇The Crucible(激情年代),皆在台灣巡迴公演各四場。高中畢業專題報告為製作三幕小舞劇,自編、自導、自演《我的小舞台》。大學一年級就讀東華大學音樂系,主修聲樂,師事陳美晴老師,獲得全國學生音樂比賽花蓮縣賽第一名,並參與莫札特歌劇《魔笛》演出,飾演第三侍女。大學二年級轉學至東海大學音樂系,主修聲樂,師事李秀芬老師,並演出多部歌劇選粹,包括:韋伯《魔彈射手》,莫札特《劇院經理》,寇特·威爾《馬哈哥尼城的興衰》,華格納《帕西法爾》等。2016年6月11日舉辦《陳靄齡聲樂獨唱會》,2017年參與音樂系年度製作的威爾第歌劇《茶花女》,於台中歌劇院演出,飾演合唱及吉普賽女郎。2017年12月10日舉辦《陳靄齡畢業獨唱會》。2018年1月6日與1月7日參與東海大學音樂劇團演出《西城故事》音樂劇,飾演Anita一角。2018年4月在德國接受Werbeck Singing的開展音域訓練課程。

From childhood, Eileen has always had a passion for music and dance. In each of her 12 years of study in Waldorf education, spanning from elementary until graduating from high school, Eileen performed in a range of musical, theatrical and dramatic performances. As a high school student, she performed in the musical The Story of Ataban and the stage play The Crucible, both of which were performed on four different stages around Taiwan; for her final high school report, Eileen wrote, directed and performed a 3-act play entitled My Little Stage.

Eileen then went on to read Music at National Dong Hwa University, majoring in vocals under the tutorship of Ms. Mei-Ching Chen; she was awarded first place at the National Student Music Competition held in Hualien County and performed the role of Third Maid in the opera Die Zauberflöte by Mozart. The following year, Eileen transferred to Tunghai University where she continued her studies under the tutorship of Ms. Syou-Fen Lee and has performed scenes from various operas including Weber’s Die Freischutz, Mozart’s Der Schauspieldirektor, Kurt Weill’s Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny and Wagner’s Parsifal.

On June 11, 2016, Eileen held her own vocal solo concert; in 2017 she performed in the choir and took the role of a Gypsy Girl in the music department’s annual production of La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi, performed at the Taichung Opera House; on December 10, 2017, she held her own graduation solo concert; on January 6th and January 7th, 2018, she played the role of Anita in the Tunghai University Theatre Group’s performance of West Side Story; and in April 2018 she underwent vocal range development training with Werbeck Singing in Germany.